Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] probably [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Yeah but I should probably get a bit of today there , no problem .
2 I 'll probably make a better job of it than you would . ’
3 I 've recorded a lot of stuff with song writers whose work I like , but I 'll probably do a cover version as my first single because , as a TV presented I 'm bound to get a lot of flak at first . ’
4 ‘ Of course not ! ’ she replied , and even found a cheerful note from somewhere to add lightly , ‘ I ate a huge meal at lunchtime , so I 'll probably have a snack sent up , ’ and , making for her room before her emotions tripped her up , ‘ You 've been more than kind as it is .
5 I 'll probably have a stroll round there just to get a tracksuit for , when Michael was
6 I think I could probably send a return on Tuesday erm but I 'd rather wait because if I can send stuff properly done rather than you know done to the latest or or the the pre-latest system then I will .
7 I take a deep breath , ‘ I said I could probably write a story about my own death . ’
8 But like , I could say to you , you know ah , you know , how are yo , you know , and I 'd probably make a joke out of it !
9 ‘ Well , I 'd still like to get married , but if someone actually proposed to me I 'd probably run a mile from that as well . ’
10 REGARDING the wolf whistling debate , should I ever receive such a gesture I think I 'd die of shock , But should some young , dishy male give me a whistle I would probably give a wink and a whistle back .
11 If I did not already have these , I would probably stock a few Congo Tetras to liven up the surface layers , which would also be more in keeping with the African origins of the Synodontis .
12 ‘ If I bought red mullet in England , I would probably get a two-stone cardboard box .
13 ‘ In another location I would probably have a full dining room every night , but that is only a part of what is important to me .
14 Nowadays , I would probably have a complete reverse opinion and say , ‘ Well done , David ’ , but in those days I honestly did n't care .
15 I will probably do a film in America next year , ’ she confirmed late in 1989 .
16 ‘ Come on , I can probably use a walk anyway .
17 He paused , allowing her to assimilate it before adding , ‘ Having waited six years , I can probably wait a little longer .
18 ‘ Well — er from yes — er , on that subject — I think you should probably have a mammography . ’
19 But security lighting is a different matter , as you 'll probably want a lot of light to come on when an intruder approaches .
20 Well probably in your early days you 'll probably do a mix , but if y the quicker you can get to only work , and even to the extent I mean I went out and bought my own book that had personal recommendations on the front and I would actually show that and say look John the only way I actually work , while I get everything ready you might like to look through because it 's the only way I work , I purely work on a personal recommendation basis and that enables me to get quality clients like yourself erm and I can devote time to you rather than have to go out looking for people to tell my story
21 Erm you 'll have sine you 'll probably have a triangle with A B C marked on it .
22 you 'll probably find a new car
23 You 'll probably get a blank stare , because today it 's propanone .
24 Smile pleasantly and show a real interest in the customer 's needs , and you 'll probably get a smile and a pleasant response in return .
25 But I mean more or less so You 'll probably get a feel for when you 've got things .
26 You 'll probably get a medal . ’
27 Er , you 'll probably get a temporary membership card when you get free car or your new car .
28 ‘ Then you 'll probably know a friend of mine .
29 Claims of up to £1,000 can be made in the small claims court , but in larger , more unusual cases you 'll probably need a solicitor whose fees will be paid by the hairdresser if you win the case .
30 If someone is shielding her then she 'll probably have a bed for the night . ’
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