Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] n't [adv] call " in BNC.

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1 I would n't exactly call it the uncharted wilderness . ’
2 ‘ In fact , I would n't even call it a slap , because she does n't cry , she just looks at me and laughs . ’
3 It would receive a thick folder every month with a whole collection of random financial data — I ca n't even call it information .
4 ‘ Although I 'm champion and it 's been a wonderful year I feel I ca n't truly call myself the title holder until I beat Joey on the roads . ’
5 Sometimes they would stroll under the leafy canopies of the Mardyke , where the river was not a river at all but a stream — his father used to say that you could n't even call it a branch of the Lee , perhaps a twig at best — often dried-up in summer and so narrow that he could nearly have jumped across it if he had been allowed ; at other times their route would take them down the Marina where the river was a broad rink-like expanse that copied in shimmering reflections the haughty hills of Montenotte drawing themselves up from its other side .
6 If I had a nine-to-five job in an office , you could n't just call in .
7 You could n't really call this an accident , could ya .
8 ‘ On the day that your parents like the same music that you do , it 's all over ; you ca n't even call it rock'n'roll any more .
9 You ca n't exactly call it social climbing , because Jackie is , financially and in terms of celebrity , already at the top .
10 But either one of these and what we 've already put up you ca n't really call them positional isomers cos the basic carbon skeleton is different .
11 You ca n't really call it a positional isomer as such
12 I 've only been to Devon and Cornwall , you ca n't really call
13 Donna and I have become quite friendly , and if I call here to see her you ca n't really call me Nurse . ’
14 You ca n't really call him a man .
15 We think back to the antihero of Notes from Underground lamenting that he ca n't even call himself a lazy man , and we think sideways to Svidrigailov : ‘ Believe me , if only I were something ; a landowner , say , or a father , a cavalry officer , a photographer , a journalist say — but I 'm nothing , I 've no speciality . ’
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