Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] not go back " in BNC.

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1 I could not go back for some time as the Germans had obviously built up their air force to great strength , so I threw in my lot with Fulham church in my rare off-duty times .
2 As I walked away , I think I knew that I would not go back .
3 No , I will not go back . ’
4 I can not go back , I know they would reclaim me . ’
5 I can not go back now .
6 But was that not what she wanted — for a voice outside the clamour of her own head to tell her that she need not go back , that she must not go back ?
7 She could not go back , because we had disposed of the business , along with her tools and much of her furniture , but not her fender , which would arrive at Hale-wood in due course .
8 But was that not what she wanted — for a voice outside the clamour of her own head to tell her that she need not go back , that she must not go back ?
9 ‘ When you reap your harvest in your field , and have forgotten a sheaf in the field , you shall not go back to get it ; it shall be for the sojourner , the fatherless and the widow ; that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands .
10 The answer to that she did not yet know , but she had her own answer already sworn , and she would not go back on it .
11 Paula said the reason she would not go back was she was frightened of him because he used to beat her .
12 Paula said the reason she would not go back Turn to Page 10 From Page 1 was she was frightened of him because he used to beat her .
13 Once hooked , you can not go back .
14 He said too : ‘ I shall see if we may not go back to Nice in the autumn , or Austria or Switzerland .
15 He left no doubts about BMW 's position : ‘ We will not go back to F1 . ’
16 I do n't realise even now that we will not go back .
17 I can certainly give the hon. Gentleman an assurance that we will not go back to that .
18 We can not go back on this pledge , ’ Mr Benn said .
19 Perhaps there are clues in the archetype of the Great Mother ; we must bear in mind , though , that we can not go back to some primitive image of the priestess , but must give it life and meaning in today 's terms .
20 Some of the squadron commanders , and maybe the odd flight commander who again was not flying , invariably pointed out they need not go back to their operational training unit , they could remain and we would send for their kit .
21 Now , almost ten years , on farmers there say they would not go back to the days of Government subsidies and control over what can be grown .
22 He was then released on bail and , as is the custom , the police required conditions of his bail that he should not go back to his girlfriend 's address to prevent any possibility of any further offending .
23 The desire of the Cubists to keep closely in touch with visual reality explains Picasso 's uneasiness about his Cadaquès paintings : clearly he could not go back to his earlier , more laborious methods of dealing with form , and yet at a single stroke he had carried the new technique suggested in the work of Braque to something very near complete abstraction .
24 What he did decide , and June did not try to dissuade him , was that he would not go back to school .
25 He says he will not go back halfheartedly .
26 ‘ T is so no more ’ , that is , he can no longer consider himself the same person — he has become , at last , a human being ( line 36 ) , not a dreaming poet , and he can not go back to the earlier state .
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