Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [noun sg] [pron] got " in BNC.

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1 It 's time we got you home , Darren .
2 Whatever the trouble is , it 's time we got back . "
3 ‘ I think it 's time we got things straight between us , ’ he said grimly .
4 As we sit to yet another cup of greasy coffee in a steamed-up café I suggest it 's time we got out of all this .
5 It 's time we got back to those glory nights . ’
6 ‘ I think it 's time we got a few things clear .
7 It 's time we got a few things sorted out .
8 ‘ I think it 's time we got back to work , do n't you ? ’
9 ‘ I think it 's time we got you something to drink . ’
10 It 's time we got this marraige question settled .
11 ‘ I think it 's time you got away — you 're stark raving bonkers . ’
12 It 's time you got rid of that lunatic Great Dane , ’ Nanny shouted above the din .
13 If your drill and driver bits manage to hide in every nook and cranny of your tool box , and you can never find just the size you want , when you want it , perhaps it 's time you got organised , with a set of drill and driver bits in their very own case .
14 It 's time you got out of the house .
15 " Timothy , it 's time you got married . "
16 It 's time you got back to it , for the sake of your career . ’
17 It 's time you got up .
18 And her parents are dead , and her uncle is rich and influential , and for some strange reason he is quite attached to you , and Jane Postlethwaite is quite attached herself , and it 's time you got married — ’
19 ‘ In that case , it 's time you got changed , young lady . ’
20 ‘ But do n't you think it 's time you got back to the ward ? ’
21 I 've just had two great jockeys John Francombe and Jonjo O'Neill phone me and they both agree it 's time I got out and I should be pleased they tell me
22 It is time you got another wife , Abu .
23 I thought it was time you got involved in it too , my friend .
24 ‘ Maybe it was time you got lucky , Bill …
25 That boy needed a lesson — well , perhaps it was time he got one .
26 The RSPCA described French as callous and inept and it was time he got his comeuppance .
27 His bosses thought it was time he got back into
28 He put up some token resistance : he 'd never had my advantages , it was time I got down to some hard work , and so on .
29 It was time I got up . ’
30 It was time I got to work .
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