Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] gave him [art] " in BNC.

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1 Minos 's daughter Ariadne fell in love with him and gave him a ball of string to unwind on his way to the creature 's lair at the centre of the maze .
2 So they took off after him , caught him and gave him a hiding .
3 ‘ You know the story about Gerhard , looking as he usually does , standing on the steps of Horseguards after a Cabinet Committee , when a kindly person sidled up to him and gave him a quid to buy himself breakfast ? ’
4 So I sidled up , slipped my arm around him and gave him a kiss .
5 I put my arm round him and gave him a hug just like that .
6 So he fought with him and and took his stick from him and gave him a whack on the head and he dropped , and the story goes he says we 'll go home now lads .
7 A young woman who was dressing the female dummies in the lingerie department window Steven was looking at frowned at him and gave him a suspicious , disapproving look which he noticed her just in time to see .
8 Anyway , Benguiat made up to him and gave him a big kiss and then the next day things got bad again because Parkinson was going to in room number two above this floor to sort out his slides and Benguiat had been in there and evidently he had just decided to tuck his shirt in and loosen his trousers and while he was tucking his shirt in Parkinson came in and says aha , caught you with your pants down , and Benguiat storms out of the room .
9 As soon as he entered the first field to be cut his mates up-ended him and gave him the same treatment which stopped only when he shouted ‘ Beer ! ’ .
10 Louise kissed him and gave him the pie .
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