Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [adv] say [art] " in BNC.

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1 The only complaint — and she was not really complaining against her uncle , perhaps I should rather say the cause for depression — was that from time to time she was very homesick and longed to see her mother and girls of her own age . ’
2 Perhaps I should just say a word about that that operation since you 've raised it , because it is one type of job that we do , that is taking part in a rather large group , in this case sponsored by the Commonwealth Secretariat at the request of the government of Uganda after the fall of erm of Amin , to assess the rehabilitation needs of the country and to suggest what policies should be priority policies for their point of view and what contribution could be made by other countries through aid and erm other ways of technical assistance and fellowships for training and so forth , to help in this rehabilitation .
3 I should perhaps say a little about how I came to think this way : that the key to educational change is in the stance that teachers individually and collectively adopt towards change .
4 I should perhaps say the " so-called Cenomanian transgression " for it often differs in age by a stage or so , but nevertheless , it was the most startling event of Cretaceous times .
5 Braque has said ‘ there is in nature a tactile space , I might almost say a manual space …
6 I might almost say an honoured guest " ( p. 69 ) , but these , and further modesty maxim violations now function as statements of the felicity conditions upon which he bases his threats : Anderson " doth protest too much " , however , and the forcefulness of his language is a far-from-convincing attempt to conceal his insecurity .
7 He 's he 's not come yet so erm Perhaps while while we 're waiting for the others I 'll just say a few words about the building , because erm from out here you can see er quite clearly that the central portion of the building is the oldest erm from if you look at the state of the stonework .
8 did , did have and I 'll still say the only reason we have n't been at war with them is because of the army , arm
9 Thank you Next item , Right agenda item three , notes of the Joint Consultative Committee held on the twenty-first of October , nineteen ninety-three , paper B. If I could just say a few words .
10 Although I was no linguist at school , I could still say a few useful words in Spanish , Nepali , Urdu , Carib , Slovak and Bahasa Malay .
11 I 'd probably say The Byrds ' ‘ Younger Than Yesterday ’ ; Neil Young , ‘ Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere ’ ; the first Buzzcocks album ; the first Diodes album ; Throbbing Gristle , ‘ DOA : The Third & Final Report ’ ; My Bloody Valentine , ‘ Loveless ’ ; probably ‘ Doolittle ’ by the Pixies .
12 I shall now say a word or two about what we should do , not just nationally , but internationally .
13 ‘ So soon as may be , Master Parry may make such disposal as he thinks fit , and I will never say the loath word .
14 And with this in mind and I 'm I 'm you will notice that I have n't spoken at all and that is quite deliberate on my part but then I can also say the same for many people sitting round here who know quite well that they have n't spoken either .
15 I can honestly say the next twenty miles was the best paddling experience that I have ever experienced .
16 Escaping from the awkward embarrassment of arty people , in whose company I can never say the right thing , I went for a Chinese meal .
17 But then lions were n't generally subjected to the kinds of pressures she was under , Rory thought wryly , knowing she could never say the words aloud .
18 You 'd certainly say the heart has gone from the land hereabouts , would n't you ? ’
19 Ian , you were one , , and Tracy , if you could just say a few words .
20 Oh yes , erm you know , having been brought up w in a you could almost say a quarrying atmosphere that 's the right er expression but erm I mean one knew what w went on in the quarry you know .
21 These phones are already on the market … you do n't need to dial manually , you can just say the number and the phone will dial it automatically .
22 Now , in terms of naming these always you go for the longest straight shape that you can , by straight straight really is in inverted commas what we should really say the longest continuous chain that you can find in other words , you 'd have to go back on yourself .
23 We 'll just say the water is still to go in .
24 We might well say the same of a very young infant .
25 And now , you see , the thing was that we could see Boy walking into our bar , pausing in the doorway , and we could just say the line and laugh .
26 And we need n't call them calories — we could just say the recipes were ‘ suitable for ladies on a reducing diet ’ or something like that . ’
27 We can only say a little about how that story ended .
28 Because I think that they and that we can only say the same again next year when our own , everything goes up and , I think it 's very sad that the church ca n't !
29 The fans , well , they 'll probably say the players lost their way .
30 I answered him with lies , happy that he was so interested after I 'd been certain that he 'd never say a word to me : I told him that I grew it myself , my family grew it , and it was everywhere like green grass and empty milk bottles in London ; it was really amazing hashish. wherever I threw its seeds it sprang up like flames leaping into the air .
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