Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [prep] [adv] go " in BNC.

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1 I used to really go down there and all I did was sort of tick off what the lads had already done .
2 But she could at least go over and say hello .
3 ‘ If you must smoke you could at least go in the living room while I 'm cooking , ’ said Rodney .
4 As we grew up she used to sometimes go a see an aunt of ours .
5 She used to sometimes go on the round with her nose plugged , yeah .
6 For a penny we used to always go to pictures Saturday afternoon when we was little .
7 The people in wheelchairs , it 's fair enough that they ca n't get their own dinner , but they should at least go to the back of the queue like we have to , but they push straight to the front .
8 It should by now go without saying that if you experience any problems , you should not hesitate to call SST Technical Support for assistance .
9 and he used to come home looking as white as a sheet sick to the teeth and he used to just go to bed and collapse in a heap , he is n't strong enough to do it and it 's pointless for him to try but other than that he can do anything he fancies .
10 I do n't know but he would n't , he would n't have it cooked aboard there , my mother used to cook it for him and I 'd stagger down in an ordinary shopping basket , in two basins there 'd be vegetables in one and his pudding and gravy in the other and I used to take that down for him and he used to come ashore and he used to then go and have it .
11 In the chapters which follow , I will attempt to offer a more satisfying and , hopefully , iconoclastic alternative ; satisfying because it will place the explanatory emphasis on definite social processes which perpetuate the invidious position of blacks both in and out of sport ; and iconoclastic because it will at least go some way towards smashing the outdated image of the black man as possessing natural physical abilities that are determined , in the last instance , by his race .
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