Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] commonly [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 It 's commonly held that instruments are generally better made these days — even the cheap ones — and one of the prime benefits of this is that the purchaser has a better than even chance of buying a worthwhile instrument , regardless of cost .
2 Similarly , a company is only making problems for itself by creating a norm of people working extra hours , putting staff under stress which impacts on their home lives and which probably does not achieve greater productivity since it is commonly believed that working beyond 40 to 50 hours a weeks results in time spent which is increasingly unproductive .
3 It is commonly believed that to be an affective manager , it is necessary to exercise the role of leadership .
4 It is commonly believed that the intestinal microflora plays some role in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis but no aetiological agent has been identified and there are only relatively minor alterations to the balance of the faecal flora .
5 As finch ( 1989 ) describes , it is commonly asserted that this century has seen the demise of the extended family structure which is commonly assumed to have been the norm at previous points in time .
6 It is commonly asserted that older people prefer to receive care from family members rather than state agencies .
7 It is commonly assumed that the strategy of ‘ area bombing ’ — indiscriminate attacks on largely civilian target ‘ areas ’ , usually in city centres — failed in its express aim of undermining and destroying the morale and will to resist of the German people and instead merely stimulated such an intense hatred of the enemy that the bonds between regime and people were strengthened , not weakened .
8 It is commonly assumed that this is widespread and costs enormous sums of money , and that it is a more serious offence than tax-evasion , which in fact costs the exchequer billions of pounds , far in excess of the cost of social security fiddling .
9 A long tradition associates the organ with Christian worship and it is commonly assumed that every church has one .
10 It is commonly assumed that it is impossible to change this state of affairs , but the Guild of Food Writers believes it can be done , and that it is all-important , even vital , to do so , says Claudia Roden , its vice chairman .
11 It is commonly assumed that British black children speak a variety of English indistinguishable from the local white norm .
12 Although it is commonly assumed that these tests reflect compliance with the diatary treatment , this has never really been proved for ingestion of small amounts of gluten .
13 It is commonly said that tsunamis are usually triggered by earthquakes or violent volcanic explosions .
14 It is commonly accepted that educated deaf people prefer hearing people to use English-based sign and Woodward ( 1973 ) has suggested that the normal form of communication between deaf and hearing people is pidgin Sign English .
15 Although he is free to use this vote in any way that he chooses , it is commonly accepted that he should vote to maintain the status quo .
16 Moreover , this distinctive structural location has been remarkably resilient to change and it is commonly argued that schooling plays a big part in the reproduction over time of the position of black people in British society .
17 For example , in the UK it is commonly argued that Labour governments give a special role in public policy-making to the trade unions ( with whom the party is closely associated ) , whilst excluding business interest groups from comparable influence .
18 Furthermore , it is commonly argued that the courts can fail to place a proper actuarial value on potential pension benefits and that ( typically in pursuit of a ‘ clean break ’ ) a divorcing wife 's loss of potential benefits can be ‘ traded off ’ or glossed over against her need for a home .
19 It is commonly argued that nationalization takes place in order to socialize the losses of sectors of capital where capitalist relations have broken down ( e.g. Fine and O'Donnell 1981 ) or to resolve an immediate crisis in a sector of the economy , as with the creation of the Italian state holding company IRI by Mussolini in response to the impending collapse of the banking system ( Maraffi 1980 ) .
20 It is commonly rumoured that the King was on his way to stay with his new wife , Queen Yolande , at a nearby manor .
21 In the UK it is commonly agreed that this happens at least in part because of the extent to which farming , relative to industrial , interests are " understood " in most Conservative cabinets ( and even some Labour ones ! ) .
22 It is commonly agreed that while in some markets prices move in the way the model assumes — very quickly to equate changes in supply and demand — in other markets they do not .
23 For instance , it is commonly supposed that trees and shrubs colour better on acid soils than they do on alkaline .
24 It is commonly suggested that since faith depends on assumptions , it has nothing to do with knowledge , just as knowledge has no need of faith .
25 Thus although it is commonly suggested that the notion of certainty is relevant to the analysis of claims to knowledge , but not to the analysis of knowledge itself ( e.g. , in Woozley , 1953 ) , this leaves us with no method of explaining why certainty should be required before one can claim knowledge when it is not required for knowledge itself , i.e. , for the existence of what one is claiming .
26 A further reason is that it is commonly found that eighteen months into recovery is a particular period of disillusion and difficulty .
27 It is commonly found that there is an interval of about six months between , firstly , the family member getting into recovery from his or her own " family disease " and learning to practise " tough love " and cease " enabling " the disease to continue by covering up its consequences and , secondly , the primary sufferer coming to seek recovery .
28 It is commonly thought that the motif of the Third Reich was an inverted Swastika , a deviation from the original ancient design .
29 It is commonly thought that herbs were used chiefly to disguise the flavour of bad meat during the winter when there was no recently slaughtered beef or lamb to be had , or when food in general had started to go off .
30 But it is commonly held that Mind and Matter both have existence , separately , one from the other .
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