Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] bind to be " in BNC.

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1 Although my brief has been to examine animal communication , I am bound to be asked whether the Darwinian approach can add anything to understanding the connections between what animals do and what we do .
2 I 'm bound to be taken for the chauffeur , ’ he laughed out , mispronouncing the word with relish but he was not corrected as he hoped .
3 So I 'm bound to be recognised .
4 I 'm bound to be a marked man because of the goals I 've scored this season , but there will be more along soon — I 'm sure of that .
5 ‘ I 'm a sister , so I 'm bound to be a dragon . ’
6 ’ I have n't been on the stage for a long time , so I 'm bound to be as nervous as a kitten before I go on .
7 Did you not know that I was bound to be in my Father 's house ?
8 But I mean , then I was bound to be very bored , except
9 I mean , he is n't run of the mill , is he ? … and I thought any lady friend of his was bound to be unusual . ’
10 Ten miles away at Ludlow you are bound to be impressed by its looming castle , the delightful mixture of Georgian and medieval architecture and the interesting museum of local history .
11 Even if you 're not a serious d-i-yer , you 're bound to be aware of this clever invention .
12 you 're bound to be right .
13 But I just got one thing that I want , that they gon na send me owt dodgy like a loan shark bloke or owt like that , I mean you , you 're bound to be a bit nervous , you know .
14 Your wife 's very tired — she 's bound to be weak , after losing so much blood — but you can see her for a few minutes . ’
15 You say you do n't want Mo to be hurt , but she 's bound to be if this goes on . ’
16 But she 's bound to be rather boring , so they wo n't want to stay all that long . ’
17 She 's bound to be fussing with something or other when we arrive , and we 'll be twiddling our thumbs for twenty minutes before she condescends to appear . ’
18 We do n't want Americans to think we are n't hospitable , and besides , she 's bound to be lying there thinking of sex , poor little thing , and it 'll be all wet and hairy , and so deliciously — ’
19 She 's bound to be interested .
20 She 's bound to be very worried about you . ’
21 Oh she 's bound to be
22 Still , I guess we 've encroached enough on your weekend , and a girl like you is bound to be in demand , ’ he twinkled .
23 She was bound to be sick before the last race , either then or on the road to the meeting , or on the road home .
24 We 're bound to be on edge , ’ he said , speaking into her hair .
25 We were too far out now to risk heading in : we were bound to be caught smack in the impact zone .
26 But then , as RSPB members we were bound to be biased !
27 Two of us decided in favour of The Sunday Times and against Mrs Thatcher , and those two did n't give a damn for Mrs Thatcher , we each of us decided it was a matter of principle , knowing that we were bound to be criticised , whatever we did , and we decided it , and there 's an end of it .
28 There 's none of the rigorous logic and choreographed confusion of real farce , and director Jude Kelly labours under the mistaken impression that if the characters rush around and shout a lot , then they are bound to be funny .
29 I think that in years to come they are bound to be looked back on as an aberration .
30 ‘ Liverpool had also bought Mark Wright and when a club has spent more than £5m they are bound to be looking to recoup some money .
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