Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] suggest that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ( I admit I am suggesting that we replace one kind of dualism with another ! )
2 Essentially , I am suggesting that what I am calling private metaphors were developed by managers as a means of coping with the dissonance between what is commonly accepted as being management theory and what they thought for themselves it ought to be in actuality .
3 In short , I am suggesting that there is more continuity than discontinuity in the development of the novel as a literary form .
4 A man threatens your life and our happiness , so I am suggesting that you take steps to protect us . ’
5 Not that I 'm suggesting that we should be soft when children do wrong but that we just reverse the ratio of our attention and energy from the negative to the positive .
6 I 'm suggesting that you avoid it . ’
7 I 'm not telling every woman to take me H R T , I 'm suggesting that it 's preventative medicine .
8 Yes I do but are y I 'm sorry I 'm not clear as to whether you are suggesting that there should be policy upper case criteria and some non policy lower case criteria .
9 You 're suggesting that they 've been disorganized ?
10 ‘ I want to make it absolutely clear , ’ said Angalo slowly , as a great feathery head nabbled in the water a few inches away , ‘ that if you 're suggesting that we ride on a geese — ‘
11 the bottom line is , is , is , is it not , that erm , er you 're suggesting that your clients legal obligations to third party policy holders should be met by other names at , I mean that 's the bottom line is n't it ?
12 You 're suggesting that I damaged your car deliberately .
13 Each time I asked , you fobbed me off , and now you 're suggesting that I should fix my belief in you without some kind of hook to hang it on .
14 You 're suggesting that I go to him ? ’ she 'd hissed .
15 You 're suggesting that I should run away from this woman ? ’
16 You 're suggesting that our son remains a bastard ? ’
17 Why , only a couple of weeks ago you were saying you hoped they would n't even meet at the Family Day ; now you 're suggesting that she actually goes and stays where he works .
18 I think Steve you were you were suggesting that it was only the G three T one .
19 By implication , we are suggesting that there is a hierarchy of places , or similarly that a particular place has a certain status in the local community .
20 They are suggesting that you put country sports with child abuse and drink driving , to make it a criminal offence .
21 They 're suggesting that I have a permanent security guard on duty , day and night , apart from an alarm system that would be more suitable to the Bundesbank than a private house !
22 It should not be thought that Unionists enjoyed such a situation , for they certainly did not , but nor can it be suggested that they saw any real alternative , for in truth the basis of agreement on which parliamentary government " rested had all but broken down .
23 Would not my right hon. Friend be insulting British farmers if he were to suggest that he should decimate the financial support available to them so that it could be given to M. Delors for use as a slush fund for so-called cohesion — a bribe to the countries of southern Europe ?
24 Cos by offering a high rate of liability it 's , it 's suggests that we
25 It 's suggested that you should linger on the great avenues and squares in the morning and afternoon , to see the swarms of officials and experts who administer the universe hurrying to and from their offices ; or sit a while in the shady walks of the various public gardens , and watch these same officials ' wives proudly taking the baby out for an airing .
26 In starting a negotiation it is suggested that one has a clear plan from the start identifying :
27 It is suggested that one or other method of service be expressly incorporated .
28 Even academics , who are supposed to embody the quintessence of detached assessment , somehow respond with a lack of enthusiasm when it is suggested that their own methods of teaching , research , or organization might benefit from review .
29 With the changing balance of power between the working and middle class , it is suggested that we have witnessed the destruction of traditional codes which have yet to be replaced by a similarly coherent new set :
30 It is suggested that we send the Secretary copies of the final grades awarded by sending a photocopy of the sheets as returned by the Moderators , as well as a clearly written or typed composite sheet ( example included ( *2 ) ) .
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