Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] realise that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then you walked into my life , and I suddenly realised that what I had felt for Claire may have been sexual attraction , but it was never love . ’
2 I suddenly realised that she really did n't want to lose me .
3 I suddenly realised that there were all these great black players around in Louisiana , and that I 'd missed them completely !
4 ‘ At first I thought art was simply a matter of reproducing what I saw ; but one day I saw a reproduction of Piero della Francesca 's Pietà , and I suddenly realised that there was a huge spiritual element in painting .
5 I suddenly realised that he was very , very interested .
6 Squinting again along the left of the nose I suddenly realised that his head had become completely transparent !
7 Then I suddenly realised that it was a film set .
8 On my way out of the shed , I suddenly realised that I was not on my own .
9 I suddenly realised that I actually knew how to use a library .
10 At lunchtime the aid started going off and I suddenly realised that I was n't going to get through the afternoon — ’
11 I suddenly realise that we are attacking the enemy positions and we are now running through the trees .
12 Starting out to research the topic of women , power and politics , Margaret Stacey and I soon realised that we could rely on little in the way of help from traditional approaches to the study of politics .
13 I soon realised that I had a very limited view of what venture capital was all about , ’ he recalls .
14 The journey was not in vain , for I quickly realised that I was walking on man-made terraces .
15 I now realised that there must have been other little gaps and vacancies about the house but , between the tablets and the total absence of any careless talk , I had wiped the whole unfortunate episode right out of my head …
16 I now realise that one has to ask the questions oneself .
17 I now realise that it was a bad decision on my part .
18 But I now realise that I , too , have been a whore , now that I am in love .
19 I now realise that I was really teaching social passivity and conformity , academic snobbery and the naturalness of good healthy competition , and that I was using maths as an instrument for achieving these things .
20 as if this were not enough , I now realise that I can no longer give Jacob children .
21 I 've spent the night thinking about everything that happened , and I now realise that I made a mistake about you being involved with Harry Martin . ’
22 I immediately realised that my jaw was broken .
23 If you do not want me to cons y'know if you put , this is a load of effing sh or whatever and then suddenly you suddenly realise that you might actually pass so you then I mean cross it out , I 'll pretend it 's not there , ok ?
24 She suddenly realised that they were both staring at her , watching the expressions chase each other across her face .
25 However , whatever the reason , she suddenly realised that she was feeling far too tired and exhausted to pick yet another fight with Ross .
26 She entered her room , but , as reality started to creep in , she suddenly realised that she had n't said anything more to him about that interview .
27 That day , she only realised that nobody wants their special enemy , chosen with care and attacked with force , to renounce the role and throw down arms and instead bare their breasts for an embrace .
28 Actively disliking him , she nevertheless realised that she found his company annoyingly … disturbing ?
29 She soon realised that what he had said was true : taste and style were inborn .
30 But she soon realised that they had come down to the manor only as a duty ( perish the word ! ) and courtesy to her , and regarded the house as a white elephant , being too far away and too cold for weekend breaks .
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