Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] happen [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Look , it so happens that a number of people have dropped out of the scheme for one reason or another , and there 's now a place for you at the end of the team .
2 It so happens that the Roman collections , which cover a geographical area from Britain to the Middle East and North Africa , fall within the interests of several departments of antiquities .
3 It so happens that the names Upehull , Upsall and Upshall occur in the records of one very small village — the first in a lay subsidy roll of 1327 , the second in a manorial court roll of November 1550 , and the third in a number of documents down to the latest twentieth-century electoral rolls .
4 As we shall eventually see , it so happens that the latter point is probably correct , but it is not a conclusion that follows directly from the results of the Terman project , for the following reasons .
5 It so happens that the descendants of the original Indians whose raft capsized were also in charge of another raft that capsized at about the same point in the river .
6 The old sunset-defying British Empire stands out even better , and it so happens that the main fossiliferous parts of it fall on a non-equatorial great circle , thereby providing ample ammunition for the polar wanderers .
7 For it so happens that the developed societies over-value certain kinds of mental operations , like logic .
8 It so happened that a local head of a special school was very involved in this campaign .
9 It so happened that No 5 Air School was not far away from the mine where Churchill hid during the Boer War , ’ Clifford recalls .
10 It so happened that the novelist 's wife had a younger brother at this Academy who knew Ivanov .
11 It so happened that the UN Secretary-General , Perez de Cuellar , was himself a Peruvian .
12 It so happened that the first person to come a cropper on the steps was the warden Jane Cartwright , who was a good deal younger and more agile than those in her care .
13 It so happened that the string hung on a sprig of an elder that grew out of the mote , and this confirmed them that ‘ t was the Devill .
14 It so happened that the Missions to the Adult Deaf and Dumb of Ireland were seeking a missionary , and Maginn applied for the position .
15 It so happened that the firm I had been working for ( manufacturers of rubber-coats , ground-sheets , etc. ) had closed down the Glasgow Office and factory , and I was without work .
16 It so happened that the mainspring of my clockwork mouse had broken that very morning .
17 It so happened that the dresser at the Shield gave notice , and Dinah decided that she herseelf could teach Lilian to make herself useful in that and other ways .
18 The forces of evil must have been working smoothly that day because it so happened that the spot he chose was the position within yards of the epicentre of terror that had frightened the railwaymen so many years earlier .
19 It so happened that the very train that ended Mr Cubbage 's life was carrying the delayed mail and in one of the mail bags was a letter from Coleen agreeing to Mr Cubbage 's proposal of marriage and saying that she was coming home to her lover .
20 It so happened that the results were incredibly good — 29 out of 30 pupils passed in the English Language paper , 27 in English Literature …
21 It so happened that the Gulf War in Kuwait was filling our attention , and so I switched on a video tape whenever something attracted me and I found that I would be most likely to record the daily sessions on the BBC 's Newsnight with Peter Snow discussing the disposition of troops over the battle zone using a visual aid which is now known as the sandpit .
22 It so happened that the summer was an exceptionally hot one , the yield of tomatoes in the region was unusually high , and " taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity , two thousand 2 kilo cans of crushed tomato were manufactured and despatched at once to the Savoy Hotel . "
23 It so happened that the last person I asked , over coffee in his room , was the biology master .
24 It so happened that the crossing sweeper had blood of the same group as this rich Brahmin lady .
25 It so happened that the local station was still waiting on the True Brit for recognition of a tidbit passed on to that paper six months ago about a rural dean and a lady elephant-tamer .
26 Now if it so happened that the A sixty one was seen as a marginally shorter route , then the model would have sent all the through traffic along the A s sixty one and none along around the bypass .
27 ‘ For example , we recently looked at one that had come in where it just happened that the course staff needed two dozen luxury executive residential homes to accommodate them , with a lovely view of the 18th , of course .
28 Fortunately , it usually happened that the rejected lover did not go away , and when at last the heroine was free , there he was , waiting still .
29 It often happens that a particular cat finds itself betrayed by a friendly human hand .
30 SIR — It has already been reported that , contrary to official policy , the scientific merits of candidates for academic promotion in Italy are not given primary consideration by the members of the judging commission , so it often happens that a loser has a curriculum vitae ( c.v. ) clearly superior to that of a winner .
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