Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [adj] sort of " in BNC.

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1 Almost every part of my infuriating body seemed to be nagging at me for some sort of attention .
2 It is grotesque to portray me as some sort of blue-eyed optimist .
3 You flatter me by insisting on seeing me as some sort of Casanova figure .
4 ‘ You 're using me as some sort of buffer between yourself and your feelings for Claire .
5 When a colleague discovered that I was coming here to do this er she saw it as laughable and she also saw it as something that I would prefer to keep quiet from my colleagues and tried a bit of moral blackmail on me as well to say I 'm going to tell them about that if you do n't them about this sort of thing .
6 ‘ No way am I worth that sort of money , and it 's annoying because I 've started getting begging letters .
7 I remembered , however , that my father had told me of this sort of thing happening in the past , and the sands had always returned over the following few weeks and months .
8 " You think I 'm an opportunist do n't you , latching onto you as some sort of meal-ticket .
9 Public Liability Insurance can help protect you against this sort of worry and possible loss .
10 Your parents nag you and bribe you ( they call it loving you ) and bash you into some sort of shape that suits them .
11 I 'll push you into some sort of position where I can overtake and then tow you to a garage . ’
12 He 'd no right to drag you into this sort of caper . ’
13 Have you got your hands sort of tied up behind you in that sort of coat thing ?
14 Were you in any sort of A R P unit or anything like that during the war years ?
15 Er are you on any sort of medication at all Suzanne ?
16 She looked again at the picture : really , Hilda was quite a pretty woman in her way , if your tastes inclined you to that sort of good looks .
17 And Prozac did the trick for me , erm it wo n't work for everybody , it 's not a happiness pill , it just restores you to some sort of normality .
18 ‘ I wish someone would ruin me with that sort of money . ’
19 I 'm moving , I 'm scrooving , I 'm dooving this is hard , got to take all these notes and just put them into all sort of a summary .
20 I hope , heaven help me , to bring them into some sort of design and architecture later .
21 Knowledge Adventure is very good at throwing out nuggets of information , and placing them into some sort of context .
22 The Soviet statistics were terribly messy and scattered all over the place but Davies and Barker finally succeeded in teasing them out and knocking them into some sort of shape .
23 Do not try to form them into any sort of order ; merely pick them out and write them down .
24 In the main , however , they employ their temporary workers directly and issue them with some sort of employment contract .
25 But roasting them , I would n't like to get them with any sort of burnt taste .
26 ‘ What ? ’ , said David , dressed in black satin , looking absolutely outrageous , like a Lithuanian Dracula rock and roller about to get married and me in this sort of Victorian gown .
27 And I think they have a tremendous contribution to make , and I think what we ought to be doing with er people who retire , it 's not to say the end of their working life , and therefore they 're on the scrap heap , but that it 's a new stage in life and we ought to honour them and respect them and I think , give them some er affirm where they 're at , and use them much more as the guardians of wisdom and the guardians of the stories of the community , and use them in that sort of way .
28 Now , are we sticking with the allocation that we had in the past , peoples responsibility , or when we change them in this sort of way are we mucking them about ? 'Cos I like to know what I am responsible for and what I 'm not .
29 Although my household and ARP duties did not allow of a visit to the Western hospital some folk came to see us at the main post , and laugh at the fact that the Steward of the hospital had had to send the last of his well-trained clerks to Egypt to help count the number of prisoners and try to get the provision for them in some sort of order .
30 Once you have been through the various categories listed above and picked out all the names to be included next step is to arrange them in some sort of order .
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