Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] assumed that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Up to virtually the last minute I 'd assumed that we , or at least yours truly , were going on the plane as well .
2 The offending blob had been on the left side of the X-ray as I had looked at it , and I had assumed that it was my left lung that was affected .
3 I had assumed that it meant the characteristic of being alive , livingness , whatever it is that makes life life .
4 ‘ You 've made a success of your work , therefore I had assumed that you must enjoy it .
5 If he discovered a new rule he would immediately seek a way of breaking it , and I had assumed that he would have some sympathy with those who flouted the laws against drugs , yet there was no denying the genuine anger in his voice when he talked of cocaine .
6 I I 've assumed that we 'll be doing a review and I think
7 In the above I have assumed that we are dealing only in values , and that we are not considering how prices of production , average rate of profit , etc. , are formed by the introduction of ‘ Dept .
8 She 'd assumed that he was probably a touch simple .
9 Whereby you 're sitting with a customer and you 've assumed that he 's bought
10 She had , only the other day , seen a policeman and -woman exerting more force than had seemed strictly necessary on a man in the street : at the time she had assumed that he had offered fierce resistance until she had turned the corner , at which moment he had been subdued .
11 She had assumed that he had come to Claudine as soon as he had finished chastising her , but clearly he had n't .
12 So again perhaps tied in our prices , it might be that we 've assumed that we 'd do more , perhaps than the other groups .
13 So far we have assumed that we understand the suggestion that there are minds other than our own , and asked merely how much evidence we have in its favour .
14 When Cinzia said she was staying ‘ in town ’ , he 'd assumed that she meant the Miletti villa .
15 He 'd assumed that she had money ; everyone assumed that she had money .
16 I had said nothing and he had assumed that we were engaged , telling his mother that night and mine the following morning .
17 At the time he had assumed that she had simply contacted the address on some pretext and discovered that he had n't been there , but it was only later , when the argument had blown over , that he remembered that the address he had given his mother had been vacant .
18 At first he had assumed that she had climbed down to the lower deck and gone forward .
19 He had no intention of ‘ Gothicizing ’ the neighbouring buildings , and he was not going to demolish the State Paper Office for this reason , as Palmerston had implied , although like the other competitors he had assumed that it would be removed .
20 At first he had assumed that it must be Siban , baulked from attaining the Dragon Throne , who had hoped to govern the realm through the medium of his son .
21 At first he had assumed that it was taking much longer than the boy had estimated or that his work on the Project was taking up his time , but this explained it all .
22 What is important is that you realise that that number is minus one that number is one plus one if you like but you do n't need to say it but if th any , if the sign is n't there it 's assumed that it 's plus .
23 Or act as it actually says in the constitution , the president shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States and of the militia of the several states erm there was n't an airforce then so by extension it 's assumed that he commands the airforce as well .
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