Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] along [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Initially , all that is required of volunteers is for them to go along to a clinic where a small sample of blood is taken .
2 You were n't supposed to turn the radio off , but I used to so they could n't hear me singing along with the tape .
3 I met Charlie , and he asked me to come along to the Mothering Day Service .
4 A pick up a penguin right , great , come on then Jeff say something pardon it did n't pick that up he said bollocks , Jeff just said bollocks , that 's good oh if tonight we would , see me driving along in the car and got that on , oh no , it 'll be really funny , we 're gon na be sitting there going come on as if we 'd said that today
5 I moved along past the drawings to look at a blurred water-colour with a wild smudge of cobalt in the centre .
6 I moved along to the patio window .
7 One memorable day I wandered along to a municipal course and sat waiting while they fixed me up with a fourball .
8 As I stood on the walkway , the water level reached above my knees , and I waded along beside the wall in the direction of the lower door and the river .
9 I staggered along with the baby and the heavy bag , and , of course , Elaine was n't there .
10 I sauntered along to the control area , trying to be at ease .
11 I came along with the Maxteds .
12 thank you and you would accept would n't you , that if we have a brochure , let us say printed for next January , January nineteen ninety four alright , and I came along as a retired person in the Spring of nineteen ninety five or indeed the Summer of nineteen ninety five , fifteen , sixteen , seventeen , eighteen months later , those brochure figures will inevitably be out of date in the sense of being inaccurate would n't they ?
13 I walked along to the door and turned the handle .
14 However , if anyone were misguided enough to give me authority , I would certainly misuse it , so I prayed along with the rest .
15 I stumbled along to the trough to shave in the icy water , and without a mirror managed to remove what little stubble there was on my cheeks .
16 ‘ Should Jamie and I camp along to the pub and keep watch ?
17 A steady pressure tries to pull my finger to the rod , so I go along with the movement for a few inches and then strike .
18 Now , of course , I go along with the perception that being 40 these days is like 30 used to be .
19 Erm I go along with the brigadier on this , I do n't approve of any of the things I 've heard this evening , and I do n't believe that that is the normal course of action in the Army .
20 Yeah if they if their churning out the stock that tu tend to churn out , I mean I go along for an enquiry for a few and find they 've got thousands in stock .
21 ‘ Now I go along to the enquiry and find a public display of drawings of these non-existent gates and discover the council is offering to withdraw them to meet DoE objections .
22 I knew there were other bags of cubes in the kitchen refrigerator , so , feeling that I had been walking the train for a lifetime , I went along through the dining room to fetch some .
23 I went along as a 10-year-old and watched the shows four times a day .
24 Erm I had a company called and Advertising erm where I went along to a company and would conceive promotion for them .
25 When I was living in my former role I went along to a lesbian meeting , thinking that might be what I was , but what I wanted was a relationship with a woman as a man .
26 It was then that I decided to help myself , so I went along to the local college and enrolled in what appeared to me to be ‘ a way to relax ’ — the Alexander Technique .
27 I went along to the sleeping car on the far side of the kitchen and opened the door of the abode of Julius Apollo .
28 I went along to the dining car where I found that Zak had already positioned some of the actors at the tables for the cocktail-hour double-length scene .
29 Thinking about this one morning in 1954 , I went along to the keeper of the laboratory chemical stores and asked him for something which was water-soluble and formed needle crystals .
30 I went along to the surgery of Rother Valley MP Peter Hardy , who was resident in one of the safest Labour seats in the country , and despite all that had gone before he was able to say , ‘ This has nothing to do with the people around here — it all happens in London ’ .
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