Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] just received [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have just received from Anne Jessel the 25 splendid custom picks , printed with my name and my own slogan .
2 May I draw the Economic Secretary 's attention to a study that I have just received from the House of Commons Library 's statistical section ?
3 Good morning David , I 'm enclosing three pages of a fax which I have just received from Teagasc capital T E A G A S C which is self explanatory stop , I hope you can make it all out , comma , if not please come back to me , full stop , paragraph , it would be a help if you could get your shipping agents to provide us with the rates they would have charged paragraph , many thanks and best regards , Sam .
4 A young woman living in a semi-detached house on an unpopular Sheffield estate showed me a letter she 'd just received from the electricity board : " A board employee will … call at your premises to cut off the electricity supply on 9/11/82 .
5 When in a hurry , or eager to try out the new software you 've just received for example , you might forget to validate the disks .
6 When in a hurry , or eager to try out the new software you 've just received for example , you might forget to validate the disks .
7 The news she had just received from Dorothy 's doctor had come as a dreadful shock , and for the moment she could not trust herself to speak .
8 ‘ What have they done to you now ? ’ she had mildly enquired , looking up from a photocopy of an article on The Compulsion to Public Prayer : a study of religious neurosis in a post-Christian society which she had just received in her own post , and Charles had said , ‘ Asked us to a New Year 's Eve party . ’
9 It was next morning that Hazlitt came down to breakfast to find Coleridge with a letter he had just received from the Wedgwoods .
10 The Exec Director gave the DDA a number that he had just received from his bureau chief in London .
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