Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] be sent to " in BNC.

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1 When I got there I discovered that I had been sent to the schizophrenic ward .
2 Eventually she had been sent to a psychiatrist to see if he could help discover the reason for what appeared to be a purely psychosomatic condition .
3 You know , Mrs Winkowski , girls will talk , and I suppose it was during one of Millie 's lonely periods while under the sisters that she confided in Annabel why she had been sent to the school .
4 She had been sent to an Orthodox Opus Dei school where religious education formed an important part of the curriculum , But , as she explained , she found that religion at her school was only designed to instil in her a sense of fear about sinning .
5 She could n't remember the details , only the sense of confusion that everything was different — the language , the schools she had been sent to one after another .
6 Emma had a spell at a small , local Welsh school then she had been sent to one of London 's most exclusive girls ' preparatory schools , off Sloane Square .
7 He tried to remember which school she had been sent to : Haileybury , was it ?
8 And it should happen that it 's God 's will that you have been sent to us for protection and education .
9 Helen 's tearful mother Anne Stephens said today : ‘ Whether you believe it or anyone else believes it my daughter is innocent and she 's been sent to prison for a week for something she has n't done . ’
10 And then , secondly t to just sort of mention the erm perhaps the more traditional ways of of working with people once they 've been sent to you by the courts .
11 The appellant claimed that they had been sent to the wrong office .
12 They had been sent to the group as part of a fur " amnesty " sponsored by them .
13 He 'd been sent to a friend of mine to be sold , but he was a little bit difficult to place .
14 It had been sent to an isolated kibbutz with food but the Arabs stopped it and killed forty-seven Jews .
15 Boy loved this letter not only because the man it had been sent to shared his new name , but because it was addressed by an older man to a lovelier , younger one .
16 He had been sent to the school when a small child and had not heard from them since .
17 He had been sent to Belpan by Colonel Smith as bait for gun-runners .
18 He would have had to herd with less congenial characters than gamblers if he had been sent to The Fleet or the Marshalsea .
19 Precisely why he had been sent to Tonga — what special knowledge or circumstance — was never explained and , sitting as I did for many an evening on the veranda of the magnificent old Residency , watching the fireflies and listening to the surf booming on the reef , I was not too sorely tempted to enquire .
20 This contrasted sharply with the parents ' belief that the child 's poor behaviour at home was a consequence of the latter perceiving himself to have been rejected by the family because he had been sent to a boarding school .
21 Ramsgate had tired of the honour of his presence and he had been sent to Sandwich , under whose jurisdiction the Broadstairs police force came .
22 His father , Robert Robinson , 58 , of Sidney Street , Saltcoats , claimed that an injection given to his son in hospital by a senior doctor killed him and if he had been sent to the neurosurgery unit at the Southern General in Glasgow he would have still been alive .
23 It 's been sent to us .
24 So far 20 of them have been sent to Dounreay , with a further consignment due .
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