Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] [art] result of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I know all about you — how your father , while still a boy , was forced by his family into an unhappy marriage with an older woman , and how you were the result of that marriage .
2 She was the result of unwittingly having bred together two horses of exceptionally unobliging , unwilling , untrainable , and stubborn temperament ; to produce ‘ the worst horse in the world ’ thought Pete ruefully .
3 He said that they were a result of a positive and concerted effort by all managers and subcontractors to identify and control risks before an accident could occur .
4 They were the result of catholic — nationalist success in establishing a separate state , so separate that the protestant tradition as a political force had been excised from the thinking of the entire catholic grouping in the South , from church to state to popular consciousness .
5 Critics , whilst accepting the reality of the dowsable lines which Underwood had discovered , generally concluded that they were the result of the physical features rather than the reverse .
6 His explanation of the shallow shelves between the islands was that they were the result of subsidence caused by volcanic activity .
7 And though the objects of our gaze have been varied , the experience has been a unified one , for they were the result of one artistic mood , erected within a few years almost 2,500 years ago .
8 They were the result of a meeting the previous day between Gorbachev and leaders of the 10 republics prepared to participate .
9 Shiva thought most of the folly of the world was brought about by fear and greed and to call this evil , as if it were the result of purposeful calculation and deliberate wrongdoing , was to show ignorance of human psychology .
10 It was his first offence , and Maureen feels it was a result of family and work pressure .
11 While British officials suggested that it was a result of confusion and misunderstanding in Hanoi , it was acknowledged that Vietnam had considerable reservations about the implications of the plan for its territorial sovereignty .
12 My becoming homeless was not a result of my dropping out of a system which probably would have supported me until retirement age ; it was the result of a chain of events which took place much , much later .
13 It was the result of efforts to transfer product systematically from developed to less developed economies , while at the same time retaining the essentially American management style of strong planning , coordination and control from the centre .
14 More , it was the result of the involvement of large multi-national concerns like the newspaper empire of the American-based Australian , Rupert Murdoch , which took over not only the downmarket Sun but also The Times .
15 No serious historian today accepts the theory that it was the result of a plot or conspiracy ; almost all agree that it followed , almost by accident rather than design , from the confused events of 19–24 August .
16 It was the result of a competition set by Napoleon III to invent a butter substitute to help Europe 's food problems .
17 This meant that it could not be used if it was the result of a ‘ fear of prejudice or hope of advantage , exercised or held out by a person in authority ’ or if it was occasioned by ‘ oppression ’ .
18 It was the result of a carefully planned experiment based on numerous other experiments performed over a long period .
19 Once I noticed the familiar gap in a row of houses like the space left by a drawn tooth , but I could not be certain that it was the result of bombing and if it was it had happened a long time ago .
20 I think it was the result of a fan-letter .
21 It was the result of a fall from a camel on her way to Mecca .
22 It was the result of being obedient to God .
23 It was the result of a breakdown in a relationship which caused both parties a lot of hurt and pain . ’
24 The official record has the event occurring on July 24 , 1961 , it was the result of an unblown take-off when the aircraft refused to unstick .
25 The police say that there is no suggestion that it was the result of terrorism ; the belief rather is that it was caused by building works being carried out as part of the routine modernisation of the royal residences .
26 The cancer of the breast was hopelessly advanced and Young felt that it was the result of wearing fashionably tight dresses , ‘ very beautiful in a picture and there only to be admired …
27 Furthermore , the fact of strangers coming into Newcastle from a distance in perfect health and not having had any contact with cholera cases … being then suddenly seized with premonitory symptoms , and speedily passing into collapse , proves that it was the result of atmospheric infection . "
28 The Curragh incident was a sad case of panic , bungling and hesitation by the Liberals , for which the Unionists bear only an indirect responsibility , but once the crisis broke the Unionists were quite convinced that it was the result of a plot against loyal Ulster an " Ulster Pogrom " .
29 It was the result of a complex intermixture of state enterprise , private initiative , ‘ geopolitical ’ imperatives , the urge to find ‘ natural ’ frontiers , serendipity and sheer adventurism .
30 Like many so-called archaic methods it was the result of long adaption of means to ends ; like many supposed pockets of peasant routine the Basque system could adapt itself to new demands .
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