Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [not/n't] see [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Down on ground level again , I could n't see gaunt-face anywhere .
2 I could n't see Gillian .
3 Well anyway it gets half way through this wood I could n't see couple of yards in front of me
4 Though I knew a remarkable plumber with only a stump for a hand who worked for Uncle Ted , I could n't see Changez decorating Anwar 's shop with one arm .
5 I was touched , I could n't see Mrs Thatcher touching , shaking my hand .
6 That was important , for I could n't see Joanna .
7 dad , dad did n't say nothing about all evening just pop in for an hour , but I could n't see Stuey and me sitting there disturb him , scared
8 I could n't see Emily 's expression as I did so .
9 I could n't see Russell 's face or his reaction to all this .
10 ‘ For I wanted the opportunity to talk to you privately , ’ she told Theda quietly , ‘ although I could not see Araminta allowing it . ’
11 In fact , whereas I would n't see art as a necessity , I would see the woman as a necessity .
12 Erm , yes Chairman , the , the suggestion of the recommendation if you like , that er , Reginald 's erm , proposal it is , er to participate is , is er , rejected by er , I do n't particularly feel that way about it , that erm , if , apart from the fact that the contribution is sizable , and I do n't think that we 'll get all that many applications from the Regional District Council anyway , but erm , I would n't see harm at all of both Oswestry and Bridgenorth being allowed to send a representative if there were any applications , it 'd be good for their area , er , and er , even if they were n't allowed to vote on it , and I suppose they should n't be allowed to vote on it , erm , I , I would see it as erm , another attempt , another avenue to , towards partnership between District Council and the County Council development .
13 But I would not see Leslie again .
14 I ca n't see Mrs Brent 's car yet — I suppose she is still at the Lady Queen Bees ' tea , and Mr Brent must be still at his curling club . ’
15 Bearings , transformations , probability , I ca n't see functions .
16 The women in this case are suspects in their own right , especially if we take notice of that boy , though from what you–say I ca n't see Anna 's mother hauling herself up on the scaffolding behind Benson 's , or making a run for it when the boy turned up . ’
17 Although I ca n't see Beryl clambering over scaffolding with a .32 tucked in her pants , she 'd be quite capable of doing it by proxy .
18 I ca n't see Auntie saying no , but I do n't think .
19 What would I normally do , or anybody normally do , I ca n't see Hilary ?
20 I ca n't see Brigadier Harcourt-Browne welcoming Charlie Trumper to morning sherry before the Cottenham Hunt . ’
21 I ca n't see Osman accepting it otherwise . ’
22 I ca n't see Wilko quitting Leeds to be anyone 's caretaker .
23 I do n't know why , but I ca n't see things that clearly .
24 ‘ Somehow , ’ Nick smiled , ‘ I ca n't see Harry spending a night out at Au Père de Nico .
25 I ca n't see Chairman what drawing you 're showing .
26 ‘ But I ca n't see Philip sitting back and doing nothing about it .
27 Erm I ca n't see sir , how the districts would be in a better position that the council and the County Council to decide what the conversion element would be .
28 ‘ The hard part is not letting it go to your head , but I ca n't see Kylie making that mistake .
29 I ca n't see Ken
30 It 's n er I ca n't see Longmans .
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