Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [adv] suggest that " in BNC.

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1 Er Chairman I 'm perhaps I could also suggest that we change the word suggested erm because that i i it , perhaps you are looking for something slightly stronger erm er so it could just say in accordance with paragraphs two four to two nine or the points made in paragraph two point
2 You can make pleas for extra schemes but if you do so I could only suggest that you also accompany it with one that you would rather er is not done , so there are actually replacements rather than additions .
3 I would simply suggest that we should not allow either sentimentality or a genuine concern for retaining decentralized powers in general to distract us from the major , and separate , task of attempting to determine a common policy for all education at all stages in the future .
4 I would however suggest that if there 's a sound you 've heard emanating from the West Coast then it 's probably here .
5 I would also suggest that one multivitamin tablet be taken daily to make doubly sure that you are getting all the vitamins you need .
6 Stepping gingerly on to more dangerous ground , I would also suggest that women are more able to give direct expression to the light principle through creative and artistic activity than through religious involvement .
7 If you 'd like to know specifically how much you personally can earn , without affecting your pension I would also suggest that you actually write to the Paymaster General 's Office will work out the amounts erm you know the figure that you 've got based on your particular circumstances .
8 I would also suggest that any future cancellations be notified either by a poster in the village or by a phone call to the village post office , so would-be passengers can make alternative arrangements .
9 Whil whilst whilst you 're thinking about it I would also suggest that er well ask for any other comments anybody may wish to raise on Selby itself .
10 The type of frame you choose for your finished work is an entirely personal decision , based on your own likes and dislikes , but I would strongly suggest that you think about the type of frame you will be using right from the start of your work .
11 I would therefore suggest that you military chaps use your own sources for gathering information . ’
12 I would respectfully suggest that it is grossly unfair that X , who may not be ( as in this case ) a large corporate enterprise , should absorb the cost of government 's unconstitutional act .
13 and erm er , we , and that there are various other erm we ways in which the parties should be protected , erm , which I have n't had a chance to look at today clearly the costs of investigating , the proper costs of investigating any structured settlement would have to be dealt with on a later occasion , that it is somehow awarded , instead of protected that the plaintiff gives the defendant notice , seven day 's notice before instructing any account on to advise on the structured settlement , so if the defendant thinks the plaintiff is being wholly unreasonable they can come back to court , quite at liberty to apply and get , make his point of the directions on the therefore within these context these are the sort of orders which , on the behalf of the plaintiff I can see and I would respectively suggest that we go away , draw them up and hand them in toy our Lordship and come back later in the day if we have difficult
14 This is not the place to show the history of this misinterpretation , so I will merely suggest that discussions of the play ought to start from the beginning , as Shakespeare did , with the presence of Iago .
15 I will further suggest that it seems very likely that the traitor is in his own fiefdom , the Pentagon . ’
16 I can only suggest that the feathers you had gained for your hat , or your head , during your 10 months in America , should be collected then stuck up your tochas .
17 I can only suggest that he considers Inductive Hearing with one small microphone and an amplifier .
18 We may even suggest that the theory of contracts presents an ideal terrain for an examination of these fundamental issues of political philosophy , for the law of contract lies at the intersection of the market and the state , using the coercive power of the latter to reinforce the discipline of the former .
19 In a relatively focused community such as Ballymacarrett , therefore , we observe much greater regularity in the patterning of the variable elements than we do in less focused communities , and we may further suggest that the variants used in such a focused community develop a clear and consistent pattern in their social functions .
20 So we have suggested , erm , you will see in our evidence that policy H One should be amended and their are clearly a number of ways in which that amended amendment could take place , but we would particularly suggest that erm an indication should be given as to what the proportion of each district 's allocation is assumed to be going to the new settlement , if the new settlement is is agreed under the H Two discussion , thank you .
21 Now we would humbly suggest that there is something slightly wrong here .
22 We would therefore suggest that surgery should still be considered for the management of portal hypertension , particularly in the following circumstances :
23 We would always suggest that you supply a copy of the PageMaker document so the bureau can output it via the software if the PostScript file wo n't perform .
24 We can therefore suggest that bilingualism is an acceptable concept within education .
25 They would probably suggest that during millions of years ' evolution , women 's instincts have developed in such a way as to protect and nourish family and kin .
26 They can only suggest that their involvement may be due to such personal circumstances as geographical proximity to ‘ rougher ’ areas , conflict with parents or school authorities or an opportunity to act out racist tendencies .
27 It may also suggest that older people are more fatalistic about their health .
28 It might also suggest that if fat people have psychological problems , these may well be a result of the obesity , or at most a contributory factor .
29 It might even suggest that perhaps Lady Thatcher did , after all , have a point when she despaired of public transport .
30 But in 1938 he could only suggest that the manyattas be brought as far as possible under administrative control and the moran ‘ encouraged in any activities to maintain their manliness such as sports , road work , or their lion-hunting with spears ’ .
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