Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [adv] find that " in BNC.

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1 I can not find that it was undue influence of the kind which sapped her will and destroyed her volition , but I am satisfied that the pressure of her mother , the very presence of her mother , the mother 's fervent belief in the sin of blood transfusion , the patient 's desire to please her mother , despite their troubled relationship , all of this contributed to the focus of attention being drawn to blood transfusion before anyone else had ever contemplated its need .
2 This was certainly not necessary for the decision of the case ; but though the resolution of the Court of Common Pleas was only a dictum , it seems to me clear that Lord Coke deliberately adopted the dictum , and the great weight of his authority makes it necessary to be cautious before saying that what he deliberately adopted as law was a mistake , and though I can not find that in any subsequent case this dictum has been made the ground of the decision , except in Fitch v. Sutton ( 1804 ) 5 East 230 , as to which I shall make some remarks later , and in Down v. Hatcher ( 1839 ) 10 Ad. & El .
3 Also you may well find that you enjoy a variety of fibre-rich foods and it is no hardship to increase your intake relatively quickly .
4 Once you have covered the mirror with the glass you may well find that several pieces of fluff have been trapped between the two , and are being magnified by both the mirror and the covering glass .
5 There are many more ways of forming cables for hand knitters and now that you understand how we simply cross over the stitches with transfer tools instead of cable needles , you may well find that others of the hand knit variety can be reproduced on your machine .
6 LEFT As a puppy grows , you may well find that you need to obtain a larger check chain .
7 You may well find that it is scared of this unfamiliar sensation at first .
8 You may well find that you have to use the choke chain more than normal when you are first walking along the street as the dog will be more inclined to pause for scents than before .
9 Like many other executives who have reached the higher echelons , you may well find that the career evolution methods you used earlier can no longer produce the results you seek today .
10 During Stage II you may well find that you will need to give up one or both of your snacks each day in order to make way for the higher calorie foods that you will be adding to your diet .
11 In this sort of book you may well find that the pattern of how-will-he-get-out-of-this is more convenient to use while underneath you get on with the purpose of your story .
12 If you have recently buried a pet you may even find that you do n't want to move at all .
13 In the context of pre-trial negotiations , and discussions about a termination package ( see Chapter 19 ) , you may also find that the company will insist that the value of your claim should be reduced to take account of this factor .
14 Disadvantages : You may find yourself doing ‘ unfair swaps ’ ( ie , you 'll look after three children who are still playing wargames at 10pm , while the exchange sit involves watching TV while your baby sleeps peacefully ) ; if the circle is big , you may find you 're leaving your children with a virtual stranger ; you may also find that the circle involves a male babysitter ( see overleaf ) .
15 Even if the question does n't specifically warn you about it , by saying " to what extent … " , you should generally find that the answer is not at one end or the other , but somewhere in the middle .
16 You should then find that one of the buds near the break point becomes dominant over the others and can be trained to take the place of the original leader .
17 I mean she might suddenly find that she ca n't get the time off the hotel , or she changes her mind , I do n't know .
18 You might even find that the lecturer 's blackboard work was straight out of a textbook , perhaps one that he has written himself .
19 for what you 're doing or you might even find that it 's been left in reverse and you go all the way from here to Glasgow in reverse .
20 Having tried bran flakes you might well find that you like them just as much as ordinary cornflakes .
21 Having become accustomed to wholemeal bread during your F-Plan slimming programme you might well find that , by the time you have got slim , you have actually grown to prefer it .
22 Instead of a plot of intertwined complication , which would do nicely for a book in which its unravelling was the whole of the matter , you might well find that a plot which consisted of only one major twist or deception would suit you best .
23 You might well find that another work counter will help a good deal .
24 But , but , genes themselves are spread all over the perimeter , so you might well find that er genes there 's more of them
25 if you question you might actually find that there 's some good thing or , or at least the people might find that there 's some good things in it so it 's then er it becomes more of a threat then to the capitalist world
26 You might then find that having gone to the trouble of preparing a good speech and a joke just in case , you decide that you might as well give the speech anyway !
27 I 'm sure you 'll soon find that that applies to you , too . ’
28 And I think you 'll soon find that more companies are coming round to thinking about this now , as , it is becoming more difficult and more challenging if you like , in working in the company .
29 But you 'll soon find that it only needs one .
30 You 'll probably find that there are some bits that you 've almost forgotten about already , but other bits are still quite fresh in your mind .
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