Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] you [be] getting " in BNC.

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1 I mean you 're getting into quite deep water here .
2 The things that I picked up on was erm when , when you started , I thought that overall I mean you were getting the message across and , and overall that , you know , erm there was a lot of the areas that you tackled very well , and you reverted back to your old self and you did a lot better .
3 I hope you 're getting on OK down there , and are n't too lonely .
4 ‘ Good morning , Miss Broome , ’ he said , for they were not always ‘ Ianthe ’ and ‘ Mervyn ’ to each other and the early morning was usually a very formal time , ‘ I hope you 're getting settled into your new house . ’
5 I know you were getting pissed off with Edward needling you like that , but you can tell me , surely .
6 I note you are getting on a bit .
7 And I think you 're getting th the idea of this putting C K on the end of a word have n't you .
8 Well I think I I think you 're getting into the into the wrong argument .
9 I think you 're getting a bit
10 I think you 're getting a bit fat round the middle now !
11 I think you 're getting as bad as me .
12 I think when you 're talking about forcing people into doing things erm I think you 're getting into the bounds of that sort of The Mental Health Act area
13 Fair amount of arguing , I do n't know if that 's part of the ploy with the free kick , just before it came over I think you were getting frustrated that the free kick was n't coming over quick enough , a lot of arms being raised , is that a ploy or was it actually real frustration ?
14 I see you 're getting on with the boots for Edward Morris 's nephew , doing a good job too by the look of it . ’
15 Presumably when you do land in a position like that even though as you say you 're getting near the end of the game for the blue ball , you would n't deliberately not go through the hoop , if you 'll put in that , if you put yourself in that position ?
16 Well you see it may be important where the information came from , you did n't get it from the cards , you say you were getting information from all directions .
17 erm and , and trying to er er both satisfy yourself and them that , that you know you 're getting the right sort of experience .
18 Now , they say you know you 're getting old when policemen start to look young .
19 It 's when you walk up that way you know you 're getting near it
20 You know you 're getting me a name for myself and there might be somebody listening you never know .
21 But we know this is marble chippings you know you were getting this carbon dioxide off .
22 With Christie , you feel you are getting a real human being , who races like he lives , courageous and effortful and defiant .
23 ‘ So you reckon you 're getting somewhere . ’
24 Obstacles , barriers , pitfalls and setbacks will always arise when you think you are getting there .
25 If you are not eligible to be put in if you do n't have a motor car then you 're discounting an enormous number of people who may have motorcycles or motor caravans or , you know , something which is perfectly valid but it invalidates the information that you think you are getting out of the file because you only put in certain perfectly reasonable , groups of er of things and i in , in , in Boots there 's a , there 's a er there 's a a wonderful expression or actually is , is the one I 'm particularly thinking about , you know we , we sell shall we say a million bottles of aspirin a year , it is in fact considerably more than that , and that is perfectly reasonable and valid and mm but in the definition of that we obviously only included what Boots the Chemists sold because that 's all the people who
26 Tell me when you think you 're getting warm . ’
27 Validity means you 're actually getting what you think you 're getting .
28 Right that 's , that 's , you see you 're getting
29 You see you 're getting your money back
30 We get you 're getting quite a big celebrity on this programme people want to know you know whether they can come round and have a guided tour round the house and stuff
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