Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] had quite a " in BNC.

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1 I 've always thought very highly of Michael Jaffé , until recently Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum , and I 've had quite a lot of pleasant conversations with him .
2 I 've had quite a few patients .
3 I 've had quite a few .
4 I 've I 've had quite a few nicknames .
5 I 've had quite an early start and I 'm feeling pretty tired , ’ she admitted .
6 Every time I wonder about going to join George and to use my TEFL qualification , I wonder how I would REALLY do teaching English to people , though I guess I have had quite a lot of ad hoc and ungrammatical ( ! ) experience with the various language students who have stayed here .
7 As social work you 've had quite a contact erm with people on the flats , erm living in the situation they actually most people in the flats .
8 It 's quite interesting that where you think you 've you 've rung say , Freda or Amber in the evening and you 've had quite a lengthy conversation in , mentally you think that
9 We 've had quite a busy afternoon , Mr Andropulos , and at the moment we 're anchored over a plane that crashed into the sea just about the time we were receiving your SOS . ’
10 Well , we 've had quite a lot of money from Oxford from different people so you do n't know .
11 Baked potatoes , we 've had quite a lot of baked pot
12 She said to the woman umm I do n't know , like is there any panic or , so she said well we 've had quite a , only got five left .
13 She sweetly punctuated every pause with ‘ Actually , we have had quite a few calls saying the same thing , ’ and ‘ Actually , I must say , I do rather agree with you . ’
14 Alan Hansen , of Ipswich Port Authority , said : ‘ We have had quite a severe downturn in our business at the West Bank terminal .
15 ‘ To date , we have had quite a lot of interest in our facilities . ’
16 We have had quite a few trainees , youth trainees in garden centres , and golf courses , which surprised me , but golf courses apparently could use quite a lot of people .
17 Now , I 'm pleased to say we have had quite a number of of er replies from churches on what they think they can d , do .
18 If I can just join in the Scum-bashing here , am I the only person that thinks Sharpe is the most over-rated piece of crap ever to have pulled on a red shirt ( and they 've had quite a few ) ?
19 Should think they 've had quite a few .
20 but they 've had quite a good dinnertime today so I think they 're letting her stop a bit longer .
21 Many parts of the continent have also got a drought ; in France , in southern Italy and Greece in particular but Spain , they 're not too bad actually they 've had quite a lot of thundery showers this summer .
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