Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] [pers pn] found [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You will recall , however , that before you vanished from our lives you entrusted me with the notes you had kept while working on the Big Glass and the Green Box , telling me I could do what I liked with them , and adding , in your usual sensitive way , that I could always use them to wipe my arse if the paper decided to sack me and I found myself really hard up .
2 ( This was very strange for me and I found it hard to talk about .
3 The crowd swirled round them and she found herself struggling to make sense of what he said .
4 As regards myself I rarely ever tire or find the day too long though I am constantly walking a circumstance which being considered much to my health being better able to bear fatigue than when last I walked over the hills with you and I found your advice not to take spirits very very judicious .
5 Donna joined him and he found her the shortest ones , saying , ‘ You have the short ones .
6 A quick anxious look behind her and she found what she was looking for .
7 Something snapped inside her and she found herself grabbing the mutton and wresting the plate , with what was left of the uncut joint still on it , and running with it from his crazed presence .
8 ‘ Any use ? ’ she asked , but waves of tiredness were sweeping over her and she found herself hoping that his answer would be no .
9 The man on the floor who had jacked up grinned at her and she found herself grinning back .
10 But her natural good manners got the better of her and she found herself saying ‘ good evening ’ and reminding Penelope that they had met at the vicarage .
11 Something in the tone of his voice reached her and she found herself unlocking the door , opening it , looking up at his hard , handsome face with wary eyes .
12 I meant to be fond of her but I found her tiring .
13 The man in the bushes by the gate still worried her but I found it easy to isolate him from our friendship , although she felt now that he was trying to gas her ; the fumes from someone 's central heating outlet , discernible on the otherwise pure air , had inspired and confirmed her in this idea .
14 She told the other girls about it and they found his ignorance quaint and charming .
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