Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [pron] mother 's " in BNC.

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1 I noticed his mother 's Stradivarius violin on a shelf , a few crucial inches out of reach .
2 I 'm sorry I forgot my mother 's birthday . ’
3 I heard your mother 's voice
4 And she thought , a little aggrieved : I do think Clelia might have told me , how could she assume that I knew her mother 's maiden name ?
5 An hour or so later I saw my mother 's green Metro , just about to turn out of the drive-way of Hamish and Tone 's house .
6 For Christmas , I had my mother 's nails ‘ wrapped and extended ’ .
7 ‘ Every morning , ’ he writes , ‘ I left my mother 's place and went straight to Brion 's , we had a cup of tea and a puff and days after days I left for home at five …
8 You got your mother 's hard ears , and hard ears people never learn .
9 Then one day she found her mother 's pills while tidying her bedroom and , not having a firm grasp of the principles of contraception , swapped these for aspirins .
10 She found her mother 's wedding shoes , and her headpiece and veil as well .
11 There were no friends ; she found her mother 's circle dispersed , her father a middle-aged man .
12 Her daughter Brenda Robinson , of Middleton-in-Teesdale , told South-West Durham coroner Colin Penna how she found her mother 's body in a remote water tank on her parents ' farm .
13 She recollected her mother 's furious wobbling face : ‘ You 've got to pull yourself together .
14 She studied her mother 's tired face , seeming older than her fifty-two years .
15 She recalled her mother 's words , and her own reassurances .
16 She loathed her mother 's loathing of Mrs Hanney ; it made her shiver with horror .
17 He also visited Lurgan and the late Mrs Sleator once related how , as a very small girl in Lurgan on that day in 1902 , she disregarded her mother 's instructions that she was not to leave home ( ‘ I am still obstinate ! ’ she confided ) , went to the Town Hall where the General was speaking and saw him there .
18 Do n't forget last Christmas when you forgot your mother 's and we had to come dashing back for it , and it snowing like blazes .
19 She welcomed her mother 's suggestion of Dudley Poplak , a discreet South African-born interior designer who had furnished her own homes .
20 And then she heard her mother 's voice .
21 She heard her mother 's voice on the day when she had announced her engagement : ‘ Well , you 're thirty-two and if he 's what you want I suppose you know your own mind .
22 As she stepped indoors , she heard her mother 's voice .
23 She heard her mother 's slippers crunching across the sugar-strewn floor .
24 She heard her mother 's feet on the stairs and smiled .
25 She heard her mother 's voice on the other end of the line and felt weak and unsteady with relief .
26 And suddenly two shadows moved in the darkness of the hall , and she heard her mother 's voice , pitched high , frighteningly unfamiliar , a strained , cracked , alien voice .
27 She returned her mother 's kiss and said , ‘ Good luck . ’
28 She inherited her mother 's practical skills and her artistic and literary interests from her famous father .
29 She dialled her mother 's number and nearly put the phone down when it started ringing .
30 She took her mother 's hands , they were cold and clammy .
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