Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [prep] the corner " in BNC.

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1 I stopped at the corner of Bleeker Street .
2 I ate at the Corner House , very little , as it was not easy to pay the modest sum my landlady in Southwark , Mrs William Vitou , whose husband was a dental mechanic trained in Guy 's hospital , charged me , and eat a great deal apart from breakfast and a high tea .
3 Well funnily enough I went down there last week , and I must admit I I came round the corner and there was one particular vehicle still does it .
4 I ducked around the corner of the alleyway and flattened myself against the wall the way a flounder hugs the ocean floor .
5 I walked round the corner .
6 I scuttled to the corner and crouched , trembling and moaning .
7 Not desiring to defile the wall of the consecrated place , I went round the corner to spit into the gutter .
8 ‘ My name 's Roy , ’ I said round the corner of the door .
9 I rattled in the corner of the great plastic sofa of a back seat .
10 I hurried round the corner to where I 'd parked Armstrong and climbed aboard .
11 She peered round the corner of the house .
12 She stopped at the corner as the two scientists approached the doors .
13 And er she says , sh she said you came round the corner too quick , you were n't there when I looked in the mirror !
14 She came round the corner , this tiny thing who did not reach to the top of the bed board even with the extension of the umbrella .
15 She followed to the corner of the schoolroom , and there stood watching in silence as Tutilo mounted , and the little cavalcade filed out at the gate and turned along the Foregate .
16 As she spoke , she fiddled with the corner of her notepad .
17 She walked across the corner of the square , and did not look back .
18 Once inside she wriggled into the corner of the seat to make room for him , and prepared to enjoy the novelty .
19 She dashed around the corner , glad to see his dark bulk again .
20 She scurried around the corner into Barley Hill , but by the time she reached number 52 her hair was glistening with raindrops .
21 ‘ Stead of that , she went round the corner of the stable , and she hit the corner of the barn and turned the tumbril right over , that did !
22 She peeped round the corner .
23 She hesitated at the corner , reluctant almost to discover that she was now , as of this moment , completely lost in the world , and for the first time she asked herself clearly why she had decided to come here .
24 This morning , inattentive to everything except the rhythmic ruffle of her rake in the fine gravel , and to the notes of the song she was la-la-ing quietly to herself as she worked , she did not notice Nicandra 's arrival , nor see her as she slipped round the corner of the house and pushed her way through the low branches of the Portugal laurels that screened Silly-Willie 's window from inquisitive visitors .
25 She ran around the corner and straight into the arms of John Delaney , screaming before she could stop herself .
26 She sat on the corner of the old sofa with her legs folded under her and stared at the window , willing the oil lamp not to sputter and distort the sounds that belonged to the night : the true night that lay outside in the garden and the valley and held dominion over the hills .
27 When she had finished she sat in the corner of her bedroom and wept .
28 I remember being at primary school and the boys went to play football and you sat in the corner playing talking or the boys played football and the girls , would you believe it , got sex education !
29 ‘ No , Joe Steer was with me until we got to the corner of Bal Lane , then he cut through to the terraces . ’
30 As we got round the corner , Jo and I took one look at each other and ran .
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