Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] needed to be " in BNC.

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1 I just needed to be told to change my ways . ’
2 I desperately needed to be everyone 's ‘ perfect person ’ — a perfect daughter , sister , girlfriend and friend .
3 I also needed to be knowledgeable about the procedures , likely outcomes and prognosis so that I could give full and accurate explanations to Mrs Allen .
4 To be honest , at the time I really needed to be dropped but there was no-one else at the club ready to take over .
5 I think perhaps that I actually needed to be able to think the worst of you , however personally unpalatable that worst was to me , as some sort of a defence , so that I could despise you even if it meant despising myself as well .
6 I suppose it amuses me and I never needed to be amused before , not when he was here to do it .
7 It seemed a long time since Dana 's phone call had brought Roman Wyatt into her life and she badly needed to be by herself to think about the turmoil he had caused in her ordered existence .
8 With an uncertain outlook for nineteen ninety three from our point of view it 's absolutely crucial to get costs in line we had obviously done cost-cutting during the previous two years , but we really needed to be sure that if revenues were not going to increase , we should n't wait for a recovery to bail us out .
9 queried whether we really needed to be in it and I told him that sales wanted it and the reasons why we wanted to be in erm even the fact that it was going to k erm give us more accounting work erm whatsisname what bank is it ?
10 They also needed to be extended to permit inspectors to examine aircraft of a similar type to the one involved in an accident and to establish whether they also showed signs of the same sort of failure .
11 The invention of back stairs and corridors rendered the family rooms increasingly private , since they now needed to be entered only for specific purposes , and no longer functioned as thoroughfares .
12 It only needed to be true enough of the time .
13 And it only needed to be cut once a year .
14 An appalling clearance by Knight presented Thomas with the chance , but it still needed to be capitalised on and he launched a tremendous , looping shot which the Rovers ' supporters behind the goal knew was on target from the moment he hit it .
15 No matter how simple the programme , it still needed to be organized , and in such a way as not to give offence by seeming to slight a guest .
16 The human and material world needed to be cleansed from within , but it also needed to be liberated from the powers without .
17 But Shaw had not been well and Charlotte felt he urgently needed to be revived with country air .
18 It really needed to be said .
19 Steve Adorable rolled in about lunchtime and he too needed to be told everything .
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