Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] [det] other " in BNC.

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1 The BBC and I finally bade each other goodnight at 6.30 , with what seemed to be a good day 's work on the cassettes .
2 At any rate , Miss Gregory and I always eyed each other with open hostility .
3 No , I do n't like that , mm so you obviously help each other
4 If children witness a quarrel , but then see that you still love each other , they will realise that a row is not the end of the world and will learn that it 's all right to fight — as long as we make up later .
5 ‘ Do you ever surprise each other ? ’
6 ‘ In fact , you probably deserve each other . ’
7 We rarely see each other but since their rotten tree blew down , smashing the fence and my bulbs , it 's been hard not to .
8 In fact we rarely see each other . ’
9 Probably rather like your relationship , and maybe even that of Charles and Diana , ours remains intact because privately , not publicly , we rather like each other .
10 In fact , we only know each other because he worked for me — when he was a student . ’
11 Whereas a person involved in the American Mafia could say , quite reasonably , ‘ what 's all the fuss about , we only kill each other ’ , the same could not be said in defence of some corporate crimes .
12 After my father left we only had each other and — and we moved a lot . ’
13 I been married for 11 months and my husband works away during the week so we only see each other at weekends .
14 I said to Old Fishy do you have kids and he said yes they 're the apple of my eye and we just hugged each other right there in front of everyone and ever since I 've been wondering what it means .
15 ‘ Often we just see each other at weekends .
16 We generally promise each other all our worldly goods .
17 We already knew each other because he lives in Winchester , and I was very flattered to be given the commission by him .
18 Of course , we already knew each other slightly . ’
19 As you say , we hardly know each other . ’
20 Let's face it … ’ he reached to smooth back the curtain of tousled gold curls from her eyes ‘ … we hardly know each other .
21 We hardly know each other . ’
22 We hardly knew each other , but I agreed , thinking it would be a short term thing , ’ he said .
23 ‘ I am away for eight months a year and we hardly see each other .
24 We hardly see each other , ’ she said .
25 Well , I think it 's but I mean , we can , I can honestly say never go er past we always tell each other we love each other .
26 We always showed each other what we achieved .
27 They 're just to show we still like each other .
28 We were very happy , for we were so grateful that we still had each other .
29 Nevertheless , we still tell each other our dreams and look them up in these absurd books , and still read our horoscopes — just for fun .
30 We got on well from the moment we met and we still see each other from time to time , and talk for hours about the good old days .
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