Example sentences of "[noun pl] appear [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps that is sufficient reason for claiming that postmodern organization forms appear to be implicit in these developments .
2 Culminations of hanging wall complexes over footwall ramps appear to be promising sites for hydrocarbon accumulation , and are likely to have seismic , gravity , and magnetic expression .
3 In this case the misgivings appear to be unfounded , but it does highlight the need for adequate controls on such experiments , both from a national and international perspective , since it is always possible that genetic engineering firms , which are now proliferating in the USA , Japan and northwest Europe , will turn to those , usually developing countries , where regulations are not as strict as those of , for example , the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) in the USA .
4 The dangers appear to be Readingbased Prince Charming ( 41.90 ) and local open racer Breathless ( 41.99 ) , trained by Gordon Rooks .
5 Without the foreign currency to service their debts , countries like Ghana , Ivory Coast , Gabon and Senegal face ruin , at a time when IMF-imposed austerity programmes appear to be stimulating social disorder throughout the region .
6 For TV , he or she will have to analyse the scheduled programmes both of ITV and BBC to determine which ITV programmes appear to be good buys , and which will be poor ones , in relation to the rate card .
7 The pattern of grouping described here is probably unique to Oxford United 's ground , but analogues of such groups appear to be present at all league club grounds — with the possible exception of some of the very small Fourth Division grounds .
8 A hoard of 153 silver cups and one gold cup found at Tôd in Upper Egypt may have come originally from Minoan workshops ; the vessels appear to be Middle Minoan IB work , which was produced in Crete between 2000 and 1900 BC , and were found in an Egyptian deposit which has been dated fairly precisely to about 1920 BC .
9 Mer-doll and T-shirt opportunities appear to be limitless ; making balance-sheet splashes are Disney 's The Little Mermaid and the upcoming Cher movie Mermaids — a tail story in which she plays a single mother of two who leads a less-than-respectable love life .
10 The guidelines appear to be comprehensive and realistic , and should prove effective .
11 Dogs are particularly vulnerable to this poison , but some snakes appear to be immune .
12 There are many different varieties of scabetic mite infesting various mammals , and , although the mites from different animals appear to be similar , they are probably species specific because infestation by the mite from domestic animals does not ‘ take ’ in the human and dies out after a few weeks .
13 But , although many authors appear to be optimistic about technological developments , morally and ethically most seem to be pessimistic .
14 Asteronyx loveni appears to be widespread in distribution , there being no records from the Arctic Ocean and parts of the Southern Ocean ; the bathymetric range is wide ; from c. 100–4721 m .
15 The scale and pace of these losses appears to be unprecedented ; it has increased markedly in the last decade .
16 For example , the paleontologist Loris Russell points out that the skeletal anatomy of dinosaurs appears to be halfway between that of crocodilians and birds .
17 He said all the animals appeared to be domestic pets which had been dumped in the park , including a couple of angoras .
18 These new compounds were often specific for a particular kind of leukaemia , and sometimes they were so effective that remissions appeared to be permanent .
19 If the table suggests that the predators are showing selection ( in other words the columns appear to be different ) , test the likelihood of this using an appropriate statistical test .
20 The tentacle pores are large and the tube feet appear to be unretractable .
21 The major social base of European racist movements such as the French National Front appears to be in the native working class , the major activists or such movements appear to be working-class young men — skinheads and the like — and a long era of full or virtually guaranteed employment ended , in western Europe during the 1970s , in central and eastern Europe at the end of the 1980s .
22 The perspective can be to a point at such an elevation that the projection lines appear to be parallel .
23 In fact , our ‘ middle-class ’ witches appear to be similar to the Canaanites ( see p. 56 ) , whom God roundly condemned .
24 The ‘ blood and gore ’ witches appear to be strong in the South of England , especially in and around London .
25 Up in the Hebrides — and in time I would find myself filming mink there , too — the effect of the animals on ground-nesting birds such as common and arctic terns appears to be serious .
26 Neither the sex nor the strain of donor rats appears to be important ( 18 ) .
27 Dust filters and biological air filters appear to be capable of achieving considerable success in removing odours but can be fairly expensive , and new developments are taking place all the time , for example compost soil filters have been developed mainly in Germany and are being investigated by Warren Springs Laboratory .
28 Most disruption works by making continuous outlines appear to be discontinuous , but the Splash Principle operates in the opposite way , making what is in reality a discontinuous surface appear to be a continuous one .
29 The main threats to the plants appear to be casual picking by admiring walkers and being dug up by serious collectors .
30 The gap in understanding between trade , the ordinary trade unionists and the so-called barons appears to be widening .
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