Example sentences of "[noun pl] who have lost a " in BNC.

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1 But to parents who 've lost a child through solvent abuse the message ca n't be tough enough
2 The two men are trying to raise as much money as possible towards buying a baby alarm for the Royal surrey , the machines , which cost £435 each , are lent to parents who have lost a child through cot death syndrome , on the birth of their new baby .
3 ‘ The homes of parents who have lost a child through a cot death have very quickly become the scene of a possible homicide , ’ the document says .
4 The clothes , the buildings , the pitch and intonation of voices speaking Amharic ; the smell of rancid butter , of red peppers and burning cow dung that permeated the town ; the packs of savage dogs that roamed the streets and whose howling rose and fell through the night ; an occasional corpse hanging on the gallows-tree ; beggars who had lost a hand or foot for theft ; debtors and creditors wandering round chained together ; strings of donkeys bringing in firewood ; caravans of mules ; the crowded market where men and women squatted on the ground , selling earthen pots , lengths of cloths , skins , cartridges , bars of salt , silver ornaments , heaps of grain , vegetables , beer — all this combined to create a scene and an atmosphere unlike any other in the world .
5 For this reason we did not work with families who had lost an infant : instead we investigated the ordinary patterns of beliefs about infants and their care in two different populations , mothers of Welsh and Bangladeshi infants in Cardiff .
6 In the Philippines , for example , couples who have lost a child have larger families than those whose babies all survived .
7 A sample of 225 women was selected from general practice registers to include a large number of women who had lost a parent in childhood .
8 There is also an increasing number of women who have lost a potential occupational widow 's pension , and associated benefits , on divorce .
9 In Egypt women who have lost a child want larger families than those who have not yet been bereaved .
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