Example sentences of "[noun pl] who [was/were] already [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Universally panned by the critics , the film fans who were already vanishing in their droves from the theatres by the mid-Sixties , were given further encouragement to stay away and heads rolled at Warners .
2 Half the men were already straggling back into the Residency building or into the hospital in order to form a new position while the remainder did their best to hold off the sepoys who were already swarming over the ramparts .
3 Perhaps the enormity of the facts and figures reaching his desk enabled him to overcome , for the first time , the old Marxists who were already resisting his attempts to change the way things were done .
4 shared the concern and felt that the Institute could be pushed aside by the larger companies who were already carrying out their own teaching and might decide that they did not need the Institute or its standards .
5 Those employers who were already geared to providing some form of re-entry course for returning nurses then had the benefit of these guidelines to work from , and began adapting their course objectives and outcomes to the recommended UKCC criteria .
6 The fact that the three girls who were already employed at Number 147 just giggled whenever I gave any instructions , only made the appointment more pressing .
7 It rapidly became established because of its immediate appeal to masses of people who were either ‘ pagan ’ , that is , people thus labelled primarily because they had not acquired knowledge of , or held allegiance to , the ‘ god ’ of the Hebrew scriptures , or others who were already questioning the absolute authenticity of the Old Testament as it then was , and were therefore ostracised .
8 Women who were already paying a reduced rate contribution were however allowed to continue doing so .
9 The National Joint Council of the Labour party , the parliamentary Labour party and the Trades Union Congress , in a deputation to the Home Secretary , argued that unless the government took action against the BUF the Labour movement would be unable to control the justified anger of extremists who were already forming anti-fascist organizations such as the Greyshirts .
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