Example sentences of "[noun pl] would [be] sent to " in BNC.

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1 In July , the Nez Perce guided Lewis and Clark along the Lolo Trail and out of their lands , after receiving assurances that American traders would be sent to their country .
2 Everything seemed to be settled when Taiwanese and Indonesian officials agreed that the animals would be sent to the orang-utan rehabilitation centre run by Dr Galdikas at Tanjung Puting in Kalimantan ; and in November 1990 , they were seen off at the airport by BBC cameras , reporters from around the world and a hundred singing Taiwanese children .
3 At intervals these plates would be sent to central laboratories to be tested .
4 The government of India told Mountbatten that no more Indian troops would be sent to Java .
5 The agency 's special envoy , Jose Maria Mendiluce , told a news conference that convoys protected by UN peace keeping troops would be sent to the area next week , whether Serbs besieging Muslims towns and villages agreed or not .
6 A transcript of the questions and answers would be sent to all interested parties .
7 There were to be mixed commissions whose deliberations would be sent to bishops and experts for comment , while a new committee would oversee collaboration between the commissions .
8 In 1918 Japan announced that 12,000 soldiers would be sent to Siberia to assist anti-revolutionary forces , but the contingent eventually numbered over 70,000 , the increase claimed necessary to protect Japanese interests in Manchuria .
9 He stated that the Irish government always pressed that food supplies would be sent to areas of distress where it was practical to do so .
10 Christmas cards would be sent to ‘ Darling Daddy and Raine ’ .
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