Example sentences of "[noun pl] do not come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Assume the parties do not come within Finance Act 1986 , Sched 20 , para 6(1) .
2 However , the overwhelming majority of lay ( non-specialist ) visitors did not come for predominantly educational reasons .
3 Recent surveys in the Lake District have shown that the majority of visitors do not come for these ‘ tourist attractions ’ but rather for the fresh air and breathtaking scenery .
4 And because many illnesses and deaths in developing countries do not come to the attention of doctors , who are anyway ill-informed about the effects of pesticides , real casualty figures must be higher .
5 When Denethor says that stewards do not come to be kings by the lapse of a few centuries in Gondor , but only ‘ in other places of less royalty ’ , the remark is true of Scotland , and of Britain — though not of Anglo-Saxon England , ruled from the legendary past of King Cerdic to 1065 by kings descended in paternal line from one ancestor .
6 If men trained in the learned profession did not , perhaps , scale such heights in the later sixteenth century , at the same time the crossing of career lines did not come to a halt .
7 The real costs did not come from doing work ( that is , being at sea ) but from not doing work ( that is , sitting idle in port ) .
8 In certain regions the sclerites do not come into apposition by sutures and are thus , as it were , islands of cuticle surrounded by membrane .
9 Raybestos made the factory available for reopening the following Monday , and , though no pickets were placed , the workers did not come into work .
10 These reflections do not come at the end of the piece — Palomar then goes on to make analogies with human communication — but they do encapsulate its essential spirit and that of many other pieces in the book .
11 Whitehead Mann and GKR are different as their consultants did not come from any of the major search firms .
12 On 13th August , it declared that Palmerston was not qualified to comment on architecture : ‘ Art tastes and musical tastes do not come by nature — they are the result of study and education and practice . ’
13 And material riches do not come into it .
14 For the moment , however , we should recognise that the concern to strengthen intra-party democracy through constitutional reforms designed to hold the Parliamentary Labour Party accountable to the rank and file may do little to ensure that any future Labour Government delivers of its manifesto ( and possibly socialist ) promises since these reforms do not come to terms with power , the state , and the market .
15 These extra digits do not come from the graft , but from the cells adjacent to it in the anterior part of the bud .
16 Strange to say , these trains do not come from other towns , say Birmingham , with er a trainload of stuff for Nottingham , they come with a trainload of stuff for here there and everywhere .
17 Let it be said here that Jackie is not one of the wild ones ; he was never , like a Villeneuve or a Depailler , a death-seeker ; his thrills did not come from risk , from playing Russian roulette with life , and unlike them , he had everything to live for .
18 The answer , quantum theory tells us , is that the particles do not come from within the black hole , but from the " empty " space just outside the black hole 's event horizon !
19 Yet these and other highly original mathematical developments did not come into their own until the new revolutionary age of physics which began at the end of the century .
20 A proper understanding of the electron and other spin-1/2 particles did not come until 1928 , when a theory was proposed by Paul Dirac , who later was elected to the Lucasian Professorship of Mathematics at Cambridge ( the same professorship that Newton had once held and that I now hold ) .
21 Yet of course many projects do not come to fruition for very many years , and large important projects lead to adverse short-term cash flows .
22 This explains why cases do not come to court when the conditions of my comically weak description of the explicit extension of our legal conventions are met , which is most of the time .
23 The directors consider that in general the group 's 2,600 equity share investments do not come within the CA 1989 definition of associated undertakings , since 3i 's role is normally that of a passive investor .
24 So long as selection policies did not come under scrutiny this was acceptable .
25 The third bokra was a Friday , the Muslim holy day , when the labourers did not come at all .
26 The proceedings did not come to the defendant 's notice until after she returned from the United States .
27 It was as expensive as it looks , but then , Alaa bolero tops do not come at bargain basement prices and in any case who could resist the temptation to pirouette up stairs like this ?
28 The idea of doing our duty is deeply ingrained in most people , and we tend to forget that children do not come into the world armed with standards of moral and social behaviour .
29 The trade ban between Montreal Protocol countries and other nations in products containing CFCs does not come into force until 1999 , which leaves quite a lot of room for quick expansion and sales .
30 The duty to uphold and support just institutions does not come into play .
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