Example sentences of "[noun pl] do [not/n't] necessarily mean " in BNC.

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1 The fact that the drug 's manufacturer had proposed a tightening of safeguards did not necessarily mean that the committee should agree to them .
2 The fact , however , that they have designed a language to fulfil these functions does not necessarily mean that these functions could not be fulfilled in other ways , nor that their language is intrinsically connected with them , nor that the language has necessarily been proven to succeed in achieving these ideals .
3 However , the fact that people are being charged a rate that fairly reflects the lender 's costs does not necessarily mean that this type of credit is a good buy for them .
4 An increase in unit costs does not necessarily mean that a pupil gets proportionately more resources or better educational provision , as some costs are fixed ( such as heating and cleaning ) and they simply rise for each pupil as the school roll falls .
5 Furthermore , the fact that he sees them as two distinct individuals does not necessarily mean that they exist as two distinct individuals when they are not perceived .
6 Whereas Russia is erm , is to do with the Cold War situation but I take Michael 's point that fascism and communism are not the same thing and to say that he has fascist ideas does not necessarily mean that he therefore represents Russia in this political equation
7 I know your ego finds that hard to believe , but just because we had a good time together for a couple of days does not necessarily mean that I 'm yours to play with whenever you feel like it ! ’
8 Wearing a miniskirt does n't mean you 're a tart ; tracksuits do n't necessarily mean you 're sporty ; dungarees do n't make you a feminist ; and shaving your legs does n't mean you 're unsussed .
9 The fact that the adventure story has always been very largely the province of male writers does not necessarily mean that the female characters in such fictions will be less ‘ real ’ than the heroes or villains .
10 It should therefore be noted that four deckle edges does not necessarily mean the paper is handmade .
11 A shared language between parents and professionals did not necessarily mean shared attitudes .
12 This takes a great deal of effort because simply having the potential for a greater reproductive success in females does not necessarily mean that they actual have ha actually have greater reproductive success .
13 Yet these divergences did not necessarily mean that the Plantagenet dominions were an incoherent and ‘ overextended ’ political , economic , geographical and cultural agglomeration .
14 I would talk about the call to the WTN office in Beirut saying that John was OK , and tell them that Sontag 's sighting of Brian showed that silence from the kidnappers did n't necessarily mean that a hostage was dead .
15 As I 've mentioned above , contracted polyps do not necessarily mean that there is anything wrong with a leather coral , but well-expanded specimens are definitely healthy .
16 Indicating understanding of poor language skills does not necessarily mean that children receive what they are asking for but the fact that poor language has not interfered with the process of communication needs to be made clear to children .
17 However , the provision of services does not necessarily mean that you will use them .
18 Where such a ‘ Healthcheck ’ is carried out , care should be taken to ensure that the report addressed to the client only that the client is made aware that it is not a comprehensive list of all matters to be addressed prior to sale and that implementation of recommendations does not necessarily mean that management should provide any warranties on the matter .
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