Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [be] send to " in BNC.

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1 A list of other available tennis courts has been sent to the tennis club committee .
2 But Mr Stewart maintained the fault was with the plane and wrong signals had been sent to the flightdeck .
3 The kids had been sent to her mother 's house , and now it seemed that they had a new surrogate father .
4 At this stage , with acceleration complete , three clock pulses have been deleted , but all the pulses have been sent to the downcounter , which therefore records a position three steps nearer to the target than the actual motor position .
5 An eleven year old boy who 's committed a string of motoring offences has been sent to a children 's centre two hundred miles from his home , because he keeps absconding .
6 The beggars had been sent to the caracol .
7 The notice of payment of tax as determined by the General Commissioners had been sent to this address .
8 Later , after various discussions had taken place , and LIFESPAN mail messages had been sent to a manager who had failed to respond , the originator of the latest DC received two agreements and one rejection .
9 In Egypt , where 36,000 troops had been sent to the Gulf , opposition was less evident .
10 In Darlington applications have been sent to scores of businesses which are subject to regular environmental health checks .
11 Several considerable contributions have been sent to the hospice including a donation from the North Eastern Ladies Luncheon which added £1,090 to the £500 already given .
12 About 1,500 East Germans who managed to reach Bonn 's embassy in Warsaw in the past few weeks have been sent to the West in two special trains .
13 NEW files concerned with the Operation Cheetah probe into allegations of corrupt land deals have been sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions .
14 After the items had been sent to the laboratory , Wickham suggested they congratulate themselves with a visit to one of the unprepossessing local pubs .
15 Public-service advertisements have been sent to newspapers , magazines and television programmes .
16 Copies of both publications have been sent to all centres .
17 ‘ Oh , I know a few Romanies have been sent to prison for poaching — but so have a great many gorgios .
18 The packs have been sent to parishes form the Youth Office .
19 Promotional packs have been sent to over 100 organisations and a number of discussions have taken place with interested parties .
20 The security forces had been sent to the bank to escort Naim to a meeting with Khazen to discuss the bank 's refusal to advance money to pay for a contract to print 1,000,000 passports .
21 Some reports claimed that Egyptian forces had been sent to Saudi Arabia even before the summit , at which Egypt formally undertook to send troops as part of a pan-Arab force .
22 Invitations have been sent to 3,000 businesses asking them to the conference which is backed by the Health and Safety Executive and County Durham Training and Enterprise Council .
23 ‘ AN upsurge in Russian naval activity has mystified Western intelligence and led to speculation that ships and submarines have been sent to sea to prevent them causing trouble at home … the increased activity coincides with a statement by the navy 's chief , Admiral Vladimir Chernavin , detailing ambitious — and expensive — plans for powerful aircraft battle groups able to operate independently anywhere in the world .
24 We told how monkeys from the two parks have been sent to Shamrock Farms , near Brighton , for breeding — and have then been sold for medical research or slaughtered .
25 Invitations to these seminars have been sent to centres intending to participate in the pilot next session .
26 The Indian Prime Minister , V. P. Singh , stated in an interview on June 3 that a set of new proposals had been sent to Pakistan aimed at reducing the risk of war over Kashmir .
27 If no safe and adequate access or no adequate unloading facilities there exist then transit shall be deemed to end at the expiry of one clear day after notice in writing ( or by telephone if so previously agreed in writing ) of the arrival of the Consignment at the Carrier 's premises has been sent to the consignee ; and
28 But the water company spokesman said letters had been sent to all tenants letting them know what was happening .
29 ‘ Confidence ’ , indeed , has been such a marked characteristic of the public school boy that many boys have been sent to public schools mainly to acquire it .
30 Like I said , I want to know how many murderers have been sent to Whitely in the last three years .
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