Example sentences of "[noun pl] have grown [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , its use in a wide variety of disciplines has grown dramatically in recent decades , to the point where it seems not only to be facilitating what was done before , but to be creating new possibilities .
2 The number of drama teachers in schools has grown rapidly for years .
3 Alongside the formal structures , a network of informal relationships has grown up at all levels of the organization .
4 Only gradually did it dawn on those responsible that vigorous and determined nationalist organizations had grown up in the shadow of the Japanese , that these movements had flourished exceedingly in the vacuum left by the collapse of Japanese power , and that if the colonial regimes were to be reconstituted it could only be by force .
5 At the back of the platform was a fence , and although it had apparently been painted white in the early 1900's , in later years the paint had peeled off and bushes had grown up on the cutting side to provide a new backdrop to the isolated platform beside the overgrown railway .
6 The origin and symbolic meaning of some individual motifs and designs are well documented , but the majority can not be traced to any undisputed source , and a number of conflicting mythologies have grown up around them .
7 The use of CDs has grown rapidly in recent years .
8 Older children also sleep in their parents ' room , a pattern which continued in the middle class Bangladeshi families in this sample and those in which the parents had grown up in Britain .
9 Thomas F. " Mack " McLarty , an Arkansas businessman , was chosen as the new White House Chief of Staff ; Clinton stated that the post , which in the past two decades had grown massively in power in comparison with the Cabinet , would be that of " an honest broker " with few policy implications .
10 New settlements have grown recently alongside the giant oil terminal at Sullom Voe in the Shetlands and by the oil rig construction sites and new chemical works based on natural gas at Nigg Bay .
11 These advances have grown out of the ‘ natural ’ desires to produce live , healthy babies , and to promote fertility in women who have difficulties in getting pregnant .
12 Syva 's revenues have grown steadily since then to $1 3Om last year .
13 However , in recent years the number and diversity of these studies has grown substantially to such a point where evidence from America , Japan , Europe and Australia all point to a link between moderate drinking and a significant reduction in death rates from heart disease * .
14 Over the years , texts and commentaries have grown up around the hexagrams .
15 The shadows had grown long by the time Sandy McGlashan came back from Anderson 's howff .
16 The trees had grown up beside it in the twenty-five years since the railway had closed , and the boy stopped every now and then to watch small birds hopping around the top branches .
17 Town centres have grown up around the market place over many generations .
18 Many psychological theories have grown out of the observations of the often abnormal communication styles of families of schizophrenic patients .
19 According to Burnham Beeches superintendent Ian Turney : " Since grazing was stopped , young trees have grown up between the pollards , competing for light , water and nutrients .
20 A number of myths have grown up about David 's relationship with me — one of them being that I wanted him to be another Tommy Steele or another cabaret star , but this was not true .
21 However , over a period of time , and partly encouraged by urban planning policies , commuter villages have grown up at greater distances from the cities .
22 The range of articles produced on the home and export markets has grown considerably in recent years .
23 The number of students on advanced further education courses has grown steadily since the beginning of the decade so that in 1981–2 there were almost 14,000 students on advanced courses , more than two-thirds of the almost 20,000 who are presently accommodated by the University of Wales .
24 ‘ As a farmer whose children have grown up on a busy farm , I am very aware of the risks and the work pressures that all too easily lead to children being exposed to danger .
25 Many students of engineering and other professional or semi-professional fields were in the past part-time not full-time , and sandwich courses have grown out of a long tradition of first night-school , then day release and then block release — a pattern associated in the post-war period mainly with the non-university sector .
26 On another level , for example , the size of office premises has grown tremendously over the years . ’
27 A generation of Tibetans has grown up to whom the Dalai Lama , who since 1959 has lived in India , is a remote figure .
28 Even the concrete floor had cracked with age and clusters of weeds had grown up through the uneven apertures .
29 Round it a prolific jungle of weeds had grown up in the otherwise bare yard .
30 Others had grown up around old-established trading posts , such as those on the Gold Coast or in Sierra Leone .
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