Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [pron] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Your Dad smells of your Dad 's got crabs and they go in his eyeballs in the , .
2 Well trams Dave they do both , they go on the railway lines and they go through the town centre .
3 And they used to run from here to Harwich , Felixstowe , that used to be their run , all run by the you could you could get a bus oh you could go down go on them boats and you go to Harwich , Felixstowe and then get off at Felixstowe and come on the bus if you wanted to .
4 I have been to the Over-Sixties Club where they have some very good concerts and I go to services at Cotherstone Methodist Chapel whenever I can .
5 Well British Gas are our main sponsors and we go round the country and we do erm courses , free courses for two hundred youngsters in various parts of mainland Britain , and erm we 're coming to Oxford .
6 Currently those women who do take science A levels and who go into higher education are far more likely to choose to study medical or biological subjects than physical sciences or engineering .
7 And I think by the time she 'd finished it would be half price , she 'd walk out with the thing half price , and she 'd say , well you know , it 's just , they make up prices and you go to another shop and it would be the half price marked , and you go into another shop it would be , you know ,
8 The only thing to go in is wash bags and they go in the small rucksack anyway , erm do you want these pink ones ?
9 There 's this man , there 's these three men and they go to an hotel .
10 Now , two seconds and you go to bed !
11 And I ca n't decide whether it 's , you 're A types and you go into construction , or you 're in construction and it makes you into A types .
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