Example sentences of "[noun pl] be [adv] assumed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So there 's often a contradiction as to whether programmes are addressed to their actual or potential audiences or to a hypothetical audience , which in current affairs and news broadcasts is usually assumed to be a male viewer .
2 Variable and fixed costs are traditionally assumed to be linear .
3 The proper field of women psychologists is often assumed to be far from the heights of psychological theory .
4 Recent studies on the context dependence of hydrogen bond free energies in RNA hairpins , revealed by selective base substitutions , conclude that the ribose hydroxyl contributes relatively little to RNA stability ( ∼zero at 37°C ) [ 19 ] , and consequently the free energy contribution to the stability of a single stranded RNA structure from hydrogen bonds is also assumed to be approximately zero ( contrast base stacking interactions ) .
5 Loss of the nuptial pads is usually assumed to be a consequence of mating on land because , in other frogs and toads , their function appears to be to help the male to grip onto the female 's slippery back while mating in water .
6 Note that regimental champions are always assumed to be armed and equipped in exactly the same way as the rank and file members of the regiment .
7 Controlled processes are generally assumed to be voluntary , flexible and capacity limited while automatic ones are highly efficient , unavoidable , resistant to modification , not subject to capacity limitations and able to occur without awareness ( LaBerge , 1981 ) .
8 Women were normally assumed to be dependent members of a family unit : daughters living at home before marriage ; wives of employed husbands ; or if unmarried , sheltered by parents or siblings .
9 ( During the late nineteenth century , single pregnant women were sometimes assumed to be insane and were confined to the workhouse under the 1890 Lunacy Act . )
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