Example sentences of "[noun pl] feel that [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 erm I think first you have to relate to so many teachers erm as a parent of a secondary school child , and this is obviously a much more complicated procedure and also I think parents , many parents feel that they know a little bit less about what their children are doing at school at the secondary stage , it 's all that little bit more advanced , that little bit more different perhaps from what they had in their own education .
2 Some companies feel that they have had a beneficial effect on their trading situation , while others feel that their competitive position has been seriously undermined .
3 Individuals feel that they need to save less than before , as they have property or shares to ‘ fall back on ’ , and as a consequence they raise consumption .
4 The Greek experience therefore raises the question whether an active , participatory democracy requires this sense of communal identity , or a collective or general interest in which individuals feel that they share , before it can function effectively .
5 Will he take this opportunity to confirm that it is the three strands that will form the basis of any future talks , and that against that background there will always be the Anglo-Irish Agreement , until the two Governments feel that they have something that transcends it ?
6 Providing counsellees can be coaxed into exploring these more sensitive areas , and counsellors feel that they have the time and the ability to cope with any resulting distress , then the eventual outcome can be , more often than not , extremely valuable .
7 Many managers feel that they understand how to run meetings so well that they hardly need to prepare at all .
8 The Wisconsin state authorities feel that they have lost enough money on Steve Chen 's dreams — his failed Supercomputer Systems Inc received $75m in incentives from to establish its operations in Eau Claire , and they showed Chen the door when he asked for another $5m to get his fledgling SuperComputers International Inc off the ground in Eau Claire .
9 Although 93% of housewives feel that they do a very important job , 88% think their role in the home is not valued enough .
10 Do you often feel stressed and overstretched in life , and during these times feel that you tend to eat more , particularly the foods of the fattening variety ?
11 It really must make the school children feel that they 've really done some important research .
12 ‘ Many British and American tourists feel that they have connections with some part of Scottish history and they want to experience it for themselves . ’
13 Most children 's agents feel that they have actually had a rather good year .
14 In particular , the Lords feel that they have a duty to defend the constitution ; indeed , that that is their ultimate raison d'être .
15 Permission to offer switched services is unlikely to be denied , but the resale of International Virtual Network services will present more problems , as US carriers feel that they have been denied reciprocal access to the UK , where interconnect , access-deficit and leased line charges are higher than in the US .
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