Example sentences of "[noun pl] began [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 The action in London had an immediate effect elsewhere as crews began to protest at the Government 's intervention .
2 The action taken in London had an immediate affect elsewhere as ambulance crews began to protest at the Government 's intervention .
3 The action taken in London had an immediate affect elsewhere as ambulance crews began to protest at the Government 's intervention .
4 How it was defended by those at the core of the community and how cracks began to appear at the periphery gives Hubauer the material to explore the hypothesis that extrinsic influences are likely to affect allegiances when scientists experience rival theories as incommensurable paradigms .
5 His fingers began to scrabble at the coarse edge of the steel plate .
6 News of the victory spread as the clans began to muster at the appointed time at Glenfinnan , which , with the mountains rising all around the tranquil waters of the loch , provided an intensely dramatic setting for the formal beginning of the campaign .
7 A few rich families began to emerge at the top of such societies and the numbers of poor cottagers grew significantly , but the old-established middling families long remained the backbone of many a rural community .
8 The first batch of five coolies were flung face downward in the red dirt , and under the direction of the burly figure of Phat , half a dozen of his subordinates began lashing at the exposed soles of their bare feet .
9 In the 1920s , when astronomers began to look at the spectra of stars in other galaxies , they found something most peculiar : there were the same characteristic sets of missing colours as for stars in our own galaxy , but they were all shifted by the same relative amount toward the red end of the spectrum .
10 The rapid acceleration of house prices during the late 1980s ( which received added impetus from the rush by house buyers to beat the ending of multiple mortgage tax relief in August 1988 ) meant that highly geared first-time buyers were especially vulnerable when interest rates began rising during 1988 , and their exposure increased when house prices began falling at the end of 1989 .
11 But the H S E says the cluster of leukaemia cases is confined mainly to the nearby village of Seascale and to children whose fathers began working at the plant before nineteen sixty five .
12 Then the princess 's soldiers began to batter at the doors of the wooden fortress with their axes .
13 The squabbling became more bitter , and the adults began to snap at the children .
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