Example sentences of "[noun pl] later in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This can be decomposed as : where X 1 and X 2 are the proportion in the service class and intermediate class ( 0.134 and 0.308 ) respectively : 0.237 + ( 0.134 × 0.482 ) + ( 0.308 × 0.160 ) = 0.351 We shall consider equations like this for interval level variables later in the book ; you may find it useful to come back to this paragraph after you have read chapter 10 .
2 Picasso had abandoned the use of a consistent light source a year earlier only to reinstate it a few months later in the paintings done in Paris during the winter .
3 Eight months later in the lull after the end of training , Jezrael-Ayesha was summoned to Captain Kandinskaya 's office .
4 Specific eating difficulties are addressed in individual counselling sessions later in the day .
5 COSE architects will also be on hand to describe application integration opportunities later in the week .
6 Although regular use of itinerating magistrates was made in some areas later in the century , many villages remained thirty or forty kilometres from the nearest police court , and some were much
7 The story goes that he managed a round on the morning of the wedding and even , it is said , a few strokes later in the day .
8 I have no doubt that my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Education and Science will have more to say about those matters later in the debate .
9 This means that the salesperson will not need to emphasise inappropriate purchasing motives later in the selling process .
10 After 2200 and before 0100 , 217 ( 26.8% ) of the visits were to children aged under 5 years whereas only 110 ( 14.2% ) of the visits later in the night were to this age group ( χ 2 =37.47 , df=1 , p<0.001 ) .
11 The annihilation of the Baltic fleet a few days later in the Straits of Tsushima was almost unbelievable and was the first defeat of a great power in modern history by an Asian state and for that reason alone Japan 's success might have been an example for Vietnam .
12 Webb and Davies were caught two days later in the forests .
13 Three days later in the Test he was out fourth ball .
14 Two days later in the Bay of Biscay we saw a whale blowing a jet of spray high in the air , and I thought of Moby Dick .
15 He died in Asuncion on 15 February , 1959 , and was buried two days later in the town of Ita , 25 miles to the south .
16 Mr Topp 's body was found 23 days later in the River Tees at Thornaby , Cleveland .
17 Consequently Hunt earned the thanks of The Civil Engineer and Architects ' Journal for his innovation , and a few days later in the House , Gladstone was able to say with satisfaction that ‘ for the first time in the history of public edifices in the metropolis ’ , it was possible to state what the real cost would be .
18 The Open Day Committee hope to be able to present a substantial cheque to local charities later in the year .
19 Selected lines reducved by up to 50 per cent with further reductions later in the sale .
20 Another son , Gauthier , in fact assumed the French lordships of the family in Champagne by September 1298 , was serving Philip the Fair against the Flemings in July 1302 , and died at their hands two years later in the battle at Pont-à-Vendin , near Lens in Artois .
21 Pound was to acknowledge some of them , all over again , years later in the Cantos .
22 We next saw Arthur 20 years later in the film version of ‘ The Andromeda Strain ’ and later yet , at the OMNI Cinema in Miami , we were delighted to see him in ‘ A Small Romance ’ , which also featured Sir Laurence Olivier .
23 Breeding was confirmed ten years later in the Kent marshes , and it has been increasing in numbers and colonising more reed beds in the years since .
24 The result — a rather higher rate of completion of power stations and higher spending four or five years later in the mid-1950s — was welcomed by the Electricity Division , but it annoyed the Treasury and caused political embarrassment for the Government ( which had been promising restraint in the public sector ) .
25 The strength of feeling that could be raised by what was felt in many quarters to be the attack of modern criticism on the authority of the Bible was shown again some years later in the Robertson Smith case in Scotland .
26 The teleology of evolution as a goal-seeking activity persists in indefensible form a hundred years later in the writing of biologists .
27 It is in this profoundly grateful and reverent sene , certainly not with any heartless flippancy , that forty years later in the prison stockade Pound greets the sunset as a designer — ‘ grand couturier ’ .
28 But many more were needed , and in early January Coleridge set off to publicize the new venture on a tour of the Midlands , recording an eventful journey with comic gusto both in his letters at the time and almost twenty years later in the Biographia Literaria .
29 Fruit squash-makers Kia-ora are again backing the week , providing cash prizes for the most deserving playgroups in the PPA awards later in the year .
30 And so , some hours later in the Punitor Chapel , Lexandro was immersed in the ocean of pain once more — as were two other cadets , who had offended subsequent to their own detoxification through bloodshed .
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