Example sentences of "[noun pl] have gone out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He said , ‘ The words have gone out of my mind . ’
2 The senior recruits have gone out with their visitors , before they return to pack ready for their departure to their trade training in the morning .
3 ‘ Since 1987 , 270 Darlington companies have gone out of business and it has been overwhelmingly small companies .
4 In Britain some 4,000 stations have gone out of use since the 1960s , and many of them have vanished altogether — swept away with a callous disregard for our architectural heritage that takes the breath away .
5 Many of those farmers have gone out of business .
6 Read every line carefully — they will be teeming with exclusions , and if the firms have gone out of business or the guarantees are non-transferable , they are useless .
7 This kind of information is difficult to acquire after things have gone out of general use and was often not recorded in the past because it was taken for granted .
8 Two reasons for extending clusters have gone out of vogue : the need to get bigger , and risk diversification .
9 Companies responsible for its prospects have gone out of business seven times , discovering that while they could make money on the big promotions , the building and park were too expensive to run on a tickover basis ( nowadays the park alone costs £650,000 a year to maintain ) , and in an earlier era of six-day working weeks , the public had not much leisure time to spend there anyway .
10 The others have gone out on the town .
11 For some strange reason bells have gone out of fashion with the young , but it only needs some careful marketing to bring them back in again ( something computer-controlled , with buttons ? ) .
12 Add that to the fact that three Premier League clubs have gone out of Europe this week and you get an idea about the state of English football .
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