Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [be] found [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Characteristics which were found to be statistically significant in their relation to manufacturing employment change were deemed to be contributory causes of it .
2 In 1875 he found that nitrosyl chloride could be used to characterize terpenes , compounds which are found in turpentine and other essential oils .
3 The last class of erm second messenger activated channels that I 'd like to deal with is are those calcium channels which are found in the in endomembranes , especially in the endoplasmic reticulum which are gated open by a compound known as inositol one four five trisphosphate .
4 In addition α-granules contain proteins which are found in other cells and plasma such as fibrinogen , fibronectin , albumin and factor VIII-related antigen .
5 Every British geology student knows about the " liver-coloured " quartzite pebbles which are found in our Triassic conglomerates ( referred to earlier ) and which are said to have come all the way from the Ordovician " Gres Armoricain " and " Gres de May " of Brittany ( plate 1.13 ) , even though this implies the transportation of pebbles up to 20 or 30 cm diameter for several hundred kilometres up to the English Midlands .
6 The muted notes which are found at the beginning of bar 7 should be produced by damping the strings at the seventh position ( approx ) and then picking them with a gentle up-stroke using your r/hand index finger .
7 Local education authorities which were found to be abusing their powers risked direct action by Whitehall , he said in a letter to 108 chief education officers in England .
8 Please identify these two bronze objects which were found in a rural part of South Wales ?
9 That has to be encouraged if our game is to produce the skills which are found in other countries .
10 In addition to the three pairs of legs and four pairs of feet which are found behind the legs , the crab louse is equipped with sensory antennae and eyes .
11 Includes remains of some 42 skeletons which were found in the caves .
12 But the acid or neutral clays which are found in many parts of Britain are as good for lime haters are are acid sands .
13 For the conclusion that the powers vested in directors are to be exercised exclusively by the directors is arrived at by a careful analysis of the wording of the article giving to the directors of the company general managerial powers which is found in the constitution of most companies .
14 The government 's principal aims for all sectors of education are first , to raise standards at all levels of ability ; and second , since education is an investment in the nation 's future , to secure the best possible return from the resources which are found for it …
15 Benson has argued that it is artificial to abstract the different and competing interests which are found within organizations from the wider social world of conflict and dominance .
16 The anti-social childhood behaviours which were found to be significantly associated with adult sociopathy were : pathological lying , lack of guilt , sexual perversion , impulsiveness , truanting , being a runaway , physical aggression , a poor employment record , premarital intercourse , theft , incorrigibility , staying out late , having ‘ bad ’ associates and recklessness .
17 He says that badgers which are found to be infected with TB must be destroyed .
18 A successful strategy will protect the business as far as is possible from the competitive forces which are found in any business sector , such as supplier power , buyer power , threat of new entrants , threat of substitution and competitive rivalry .
19 Only those correlations which were found to be significantly greater than zero at the one percent level will be discussed here .
20 There are some 250 verses which are found in both Matthew and Luke but not in Mark .
21 They identified a variety of factors which were found to be held in common by a number of American companies recognised as meeting the criteria for excellence .
22 Certainly , in writing essays , conducting experiments , citing sources , marshalling one 's findings , reading part of the relevant literature , and finding one 's way around information sources , students are undertaking tasks which are found in the research enterprise .
23 Oral presentation places an additional load on the memory in mental tasks which was found to be only partly ameliorated by supplying the numbers or other information required to answer the questions .
24 The conversion to resemble one of the USA tanks which were found on the Southern Railway after the Second World War has been pretty successful .
25 The lyrics which are found in preaching manuals like the Fasisculus Morum and Speculum Christiani or are specifically written or collected by Franciscans like James Ryman , William Herebert and John Grimestone both encapsulate essentials of the Franciscan teaching in a way calculated to catch the imagination and stir the emotions , and incorporate standard interpretations of the meaning of Scripture .
26 ( 3 ) Branchiae or gills which are found in most aquatic insect larvae ( see p. 226 ) .
27 There are a few bivalves which are found in rocks deposited in the same sort of black shale environment that was mentioned above in the discussion of graptolite life habits .
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