Example sentences of "[noun pl] are [vb pp] all [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At midnight the church bells are sounded all over the city and the sky is full of all varieties of fireworks .
2 The teaching faculties and administrative offices are scattered all over the city but , forming a wonderful backdrop to King 's Parade , stands the Senate House .
3 Based on original sheep shears , 82 different models are exported all over the world .
4 It proves that winds are distributed all over the globe , and that the whole planet enjoys a circulatory system like — ’
5 The notes about the soldiers ' costumes are scribbled all round the edge of a sketch showing what he wanted .
6 These circumstances are mirrored all over the country and are linked with the lack of a firm policy framework at school , local authority and national level .
7 Footsteps are heard all over the building causing surprise and apprehension and expectancy in those visitors who have heard about the phenomena but have n't experienced it .
8 Here the usual export formalities occur before the guitars are shipped all over the world .
9 There are six , two in one department and four in another , I believe it is. erm if you look at erm the way our departments are dotted all over the City , on expensive leases in fact , we 've taken property after property to accommodate our staff and they all need cleaners , so on and so forth .
10 Families are like constellations of stars : we see each one as an entity , because they make some recognisable design , yet the individual stars are scattered all over the universe , apart .
11 ‘ At a lower level , players are tackled all over the field .
12 Since their receptive fields are scattered all over the visual field the rabbit 's brain is kept well-informed about movements all around it .
13 It 's high quality stuff and his salami and his wild boar sausages are known all over Tuscany .
14 Counties are designated all over the south .
15 Nemba events are staged all over the North of England with the final held at Eston , Middlesbrough .
16 As it grows dark , fires are lit all around the stockade .
17 Make sure that your employees ' representatives are involved all along the line .
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