Example sentences of "[noun pl] that used to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Crane Holdings are what is left of Crane-Freuhauf , the well-known trailer manufacturers that used to be around .
2 Instead it 's a confused product of jobbing hacks and sad people out of their depth — none more so than George ‘ Columbus ’ Corraface , a handsome trier reminiscent of those blokes that used to be out-acted by skeletons in Sinbad films .
3 Many banks that used to be trusts or owned by the state have converted to joint-stock status in order to take advantage of tax breaks offered by the Italian treasury .
4 Cos what it does , it remembers tools tool holes that used to be on there .
5 It 's only when the peak has been conquered that thoughts turn to the delicious things that used to be in the foil-covered dishes , and the question of how best to prepare the spam .
6 They 've changed all the things that used to be just because they know Like form twos always used to have an end of term leaving party .
7 It sets free nuclear explosives that used to be tucked away in superpower arsenals , and must now be disposed of
8 To begin with there must be detailed analyses of small and intermediate-size LOCA 's as well as the large double ended breaks that used to be at the centre of safety analyses and formed the so-called ‘ design basis ’ accident .
9 That was because I mean you take now the , the , the Dredging Company what they call the in their funnel they used to have erm a square and in halves that used to be a blue and a yellow .
10 Mr. Taylor : As many of the laws that used to be made in the House of Commons are now made by the Council of Ministers , and as we can discuss its decisions for only one and a half hours after 10 o'clock at night , does the Lord President agree that this makes nonsense of democracy and deprives the public of the knowledge of what is going on ?
11 It is a spectacularly successful conjuring trick that capitalism in the West has pulled off : with one hand cutting down on paid labour by encouraging people to regard the jobs that used to be done by other workers as new forms of leisure , whilst with the other hand establishing new ( and more profitable ) economic sectors around voluntary pastoral care , such as care for the elderly .
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