Example sentences of "[noun pl] is known [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 We have noted that a male community defends a group territory and the outcome of aggressive interactions between different communities is known to be in part dependent upon party size .
2 We followed standard protocols for the preparation of bacterial suspensions for adhesion and hydrophobicity assays because the expression of adhesins is known to be affected by nutrient and growth conditions ; however , as repeat assays with both control strains and patient isolates confirmed , such properties are otherwise quite stable phenotypic markers .
3 If your elderly relative is unfortunate enough to be registered with a doctor who is impatient with the older patients on his list and not particularly interested in geriatric medicine , the best thing to do is to try to get her transferred to the list of another doctor in the area whose attitude towards his elderly patients is known to be more sympathetic and thorough .
4 The nutrient value of foods is known to be affected by higher doses , Sherlock added , although the loss is not much different from other preservation process .
5 Or if an adult hospital patient with young children is known to be terminally ill , it should be possible to provide some kind of support for the spouse and the children in preparation for their loss , in order that they may work through their grief and come to terms with their new situation .
6 A substantial minority of shareholders is known to be opposed to a sale , feeling the company is worth at least £200 million .
7 Nectar flow in the red-flowered Brownea rosa-de-monte ( Leguminosae ) of the Panama forests is known to be influenced by interference from stingless bees and lepidopteran larvae , though , in general , flow in this species decreases through the day during which any flower is presented .
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