Example sentences of "[noun pl] to [be] [vb pp] available " in BNC.

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1 S.202B , introduced by s.110 of the Civic Government ( Scotland ) Act 1982 , provides for a register of bye-laws to be kept available for inspection .
2 Southern nations called for specific funds to be made available to support the improvements , but this was rejected by the northern donor nations .
3 A housing charity wants repossessed homes to be made available for people who are forced to sleep on the streets .
4 In an attempt to remedy the problem , the government has made provision for 1,000 additional bail hostel places to be made available by April 1993 .
5 Most , however , felt that such practices were not topics to be made available for public scrutiny .
6 The government has so far been equivocal about the resources to be made available , but it is significant that the Griffiths proposal for a specific grant has been rejected , except in the case of the mentally ill .
7 The appeal of microcomputers is particularly strong for those who have already defined their needs but are faced with the prospect of months ( or even years ) of delay while waiting for in-house programming resources to be made available .
8 A major constraint on union policy formation and workplace practice in the field of design of work systems with information technology lies in the nature of knowledge on this topic and the consequent need for substantial resources to be made available to workers representatives , particularly at local level .
9 The SADCC executive secretary Simbarashe Makoni admitted , however , that " there was no mechanism " , either in trading or in transport terms , for local surpluses to be made available for the needs of neighbouring countries if they were unable to afford a commercial purchase .
10 The moment the Queen was warned the photos would appear in the Daily Mirror , she ordered copies to be made available to her as soon as possible .
11 I will ask the guardian ad litem to prepare a further report for the use of the court and I will direct that a psychiatric report be obtained by the local authority for the use of the court with copies to be made available to the parties under rule 26 of the Family Proceedings Courts ( Children Act 1989 ) Rules 1991 .
12 And that video can be obtained from Tavistock Church , in Tavistock Place it costs twelve pound fifty , with one pound fifty postage erm , but I think that it has been recommended to us and a number of the provinces have asked for copies to be made available and then maybe there are some churches within our provence that might like to have that video so that they can draw the attention of their churches to the work of the Council for World Mission .
13 The Initiative will propose selected sets of Fibre Channel options called profiles to be made available to the industry as a basis for building products .
14 But because his value is limited to £1.5 million — another stipulation in the contract which first allowed him to move to Sampdoria — there is room for additional bonuses and signing on payments to be made available to him .
15 Most difficult of all is the third problem , since the present manual system of serial control makes it impossible for up-to-date information about periodicals to be made available either in the Issue Hall or at other service points .
16 The introduction of non-means tested NHS controlled grants for nursing students , with provision for higher grants to be made available to mature entrants .
17 Richard Cohen at Hodder has bought a life of Hugh Gaitskill , by Brian Brivati , who has a doctorate from London University and who came to Hodder on a recommendation from Peter Hennessy ( author of Never Again ) ; Brivati will make use of the last of Gaitskill 's papers to be made available , released this month .
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