Example sentences of "[noun pl] in support of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 April and May 1991 saw a series of rallies across the country organized by Civic Alliance in support of demands for the resignation of Iliescu and the government , and on May 16 there was a protest strike by 800,000 Romanian farm and food industry workers in support of demands for higher wages .
2 I would go further Chairman , in terms of the version we reach now , I would be very surprised if they do reach those figures , and , er , why I would expect them to be substantially less , because the policy which is being proposed at this stage is one of using joint finance monies as a one hundred percent grant , one-off grants for one or two years in support of schemes , rather than in , as a tapering item .
3 BGS 's approach to urban geochemistry is both flexible and multidisciplinary , and can be oriented both towards the solution of specific problems and to large-scale systematic surveys in support of programmes for urban improvement , industrial and urban renewal , and planning .
4 The approach developed by BGS is both flexible and multidisciplinary and can be oriented either towards the solution of specific problems or to large-scale systematic surveys in support of programmes for urban improvement , industrial and urban renewal and planning .
5 Responsibility for deploying resources in support of courses is separated from responsibility for academic management and maintenance of standards .
6 In part this is because the 26 variables aggregate several different dimensions of discrimination against women ; a factor analysis identified ten significant factors , which ‘ vividly demonstrates a lack of consistency among the states in support of women 's legal rights ’ ( p. 192 ) .
7 Their detentions had been widely criticized , and lawyers had threatened a boycott of the courts in support of demands by the Lagos High Court that the men be brought to court and that their trial be held in the city rather than in a remote location .
8 Product leaflets and other materials in support of submissions should not be discouraged and suppliers may well be requested to enclose relevant literature .
9 Often subsidiaries are required to guarantee or give charges in support of borrowings by the parent company or other companies in the group .
10 On May 28 four people were killed when a demonstration in Freetown by students in support of teachers ' demands was broken up by police after a police station had been stoned ; earlier a meeting attempting to establish an independent teachers ' union was also broken up by the authorities .
11 Past performance by unions in support of women 's interests has been uninspiring : one hundred years passed between the TUC 's endorsement of equal pay and the Equal Pay Act of 1970 .
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