Example sentences of "[noun pl] and go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most people stretch their legs and go into the stations .
2 Follow the pre-race qualifying sessions and go behind the scenes for exclusive pictures and interviews with the teams .
3 You get the end of season and it 's if you look at the labels and go for the decent labels then you do n't get sort of , quite reasonable quality .
4 Quarter to eleven , pick up the chaps and go for a smoke .
5 Go through the gate , turn left past the stone houses and go through the iron gate .
6 ‘ One morning you are fast asleep in bed ; the alarm bell rings , so you push back the blankets and sheets , put on your slippers and go to the bathroom ; then you wash your face and hands — and do n't forget your neck and behind your ears … ’
7 If the possibility appeals , make sure you take advice first from an accountant on the tax implications and go through a reputable property agent to handle the short-term rental contract .
8 He collapsed at Debbie 's on Wednesday night , well he fell , bumped his head sort of fall down so the doctor come yesterday , tt , and he had to stop in bed two or three days and go at the doctor 's for ten minute appointment and he bloody test and to see why he 's lost so much weight cos his legs are like that .
9 I pointed to the bathing lockers where we could leave our things and go for a swim .
10 The boatman pulled in , allowing Athelstan and Cranston to disembark at the Garden Stairs and go through the courts , corridors and passageways which linked the different buildings of Westminster Palace .
11 She heard the two men come down the stairs and go into the kitchen .
12 He 'd seen her buy the cards and stamps and go through the list of presents to get , seen her write letters to elderly relatives , make the puddings and the mince pies , clean the house , polish the little pieces of silver and brass she 'd acquired , make long shopping lists and then go out and buy things , wrap presents and take out their old Christmas tree and sort through the ornaments .
13 So , you see , you do n't have to go to win ; you can join the huge ranks of the A N Others and go for the hell of it .
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