Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [be] issued with " in BNC.

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1 Election workers had been issued with flak jackets and the polling sites were guarded by Sikh soldiers in turbans of UN blue .
2 Since tigers are said usually to attack humans from the rear , Sunderbans workers have been issued with plastic face masks to be worn on the back of the head .
3 Polo parks ( one was constructed recently at Châteaux Giscours ) , marble bottling halls ( Michel Delon 's at Léoville-Lascases is so highly polished that workers have been issued with special boots ) , Versailles-style formal gardens with sunken cellars provide the spectacular icing on the cake of wealth accumulated by the leading châteaux over the last decade by the simple expedient of charging much more for their wines than it costs to make them .
4 Throughout the campaign troops have been issued with various flak jackets which give a degree of protection against low velocity rounds .
5 Can the Minister confirm that health boards have been issued with new instructions , both written and by meetings , to be responsive to the needs of private contractors ?
6 The resultant outcry led to an internal inquiry which exonerated those involved and stated that the police officers had been issued with sledgehammers and crowbars ‘ to effect speedy entry ’ .
7 The Midland Bank 's small business and branch managers have been issued with a business information guide to help them better understand the needs of people wishing to set up a bookshop or specialist comic shop .
8 If there is no restriction on CS gas or plastic bullets ( and by November 1987 , twenty forces had been issued with plastic bullets ) , there is presumably no restriction on water cannon and live ammunition .
9 The risk of leukaemia or non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma was significantly increased in children whose fathers had been thus monitored : four fathers of cases and three fathers of controls had been issued with monitoring devices before their child 's illness was diagnosed ( relative risk 8.0 , p=0.02 ) , and of these , three fathers of cases and two fathers of controls were monitored before their child 's conception ( relative risk 9.0 , p=0.047 ) .
10 Luke telephoned her early to tell her , tersely , what time he would fetch her that night , and although she put a frigid resentment into her voice Maria did n't demur , since it was in their public , professional capacities that the radio station 's personnel had been issued with complimentary tickets to the first Taiwanese appearance of a fairly famous American singer .
11 Soprintendente ai Beni Architettonici for Florence , Domenico Valentino , hopes that this will still be the case when local residents have been issued with free passes .
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